Total Miles: 10
Sunday, 9/23
Took the day off. First one in a while.
Monday, 9/24
Hard 10. Wasn't in the best of moods, ran alone.
PreSeason IV
Total Miles: 71
Sunday, 9/16
Ran an easy 7 at a super easy pace (shuffle). Felt good and refused to let anything to at a quick pace, no matter how good i felt. Dreamed a lot. Also lived the second installment of "the lost dog chronicles", story soon to follow...
Monday, 9/17
Ran up at rose bowl, past devil's gate, and onto JPL. took the first half easy and started working a little (but not much) on the way back. By the last mile I kicked it up to about 5:30 pace and felt fine. 9 miles ish.
did five miles in the evening rather easy. Felt good all day, legs weren't feeling dead anymore.
Tuesday, 9/18
Mile repeats at Lacy (5:37, 5:27, 5:24, 5:25, 5:20). These felt ok. Rosen stuck with Anton and me on the first one and anton stuck with me through the third one (which I had him lead). On the fourth one he dropped back a few seconds, then further on the last one. I felt mildly uncomfortable on the last two but figure i could have probably done 2 more at sub 5:30 pace if necessary. Jogged home the long way.
Wednesday, 9/19
Crazy tree kinda day. Did the first 4.5 miles easy than creeped into a sub 6 pace for the last mile. Felt good. Didn't feel as tight as i did last wednesday after Oak groves. Plan on doing at least another six in the evening.
PM: Huntington, stopped halfway through to stretch with Anton, Rosen and Sachith. Felt comfortable and treated the run similar to the morning. After 4.5 or 5 miles I began to steadily increase the pace, but not as much as in the morning. Afterwards we did abs + push-ups and then weight room.
Thursday, 9/20
3 on 2 off, x8 at Garfield. Hung with rosen and anton just ahead of scott for the first few repeats. For the last few I crept up the pace, by about 20 or 30 meters per interval. Felt good, really had to shit. On the way home plantar fascia tightened up, hurt like a bitch.
In the PM did an easy 2 on the grass.
Friday, 9/21
Ran huntingson. Felt ok and took it smoothly. I think some of the guys are overworking on easy days.
Saturday, 9/22
Tempo run in the arroyo, 4 loops (9:44, 9:21, 9:05, 8:50). Felt smooth as I sped up. Didn't feel tired at the end, probably could have done another two loops at a quick pace. This workout left me feeling confident at maintaining a sub 6 pace for longer runs. No pain.
Sunday, 9/16
Ran an easy 7 at a super easy pace (shuffle). Felt good and refused to let anything to at a quick pace, no matter how good i felt. Dreamed a lot. Also lived the second installment of "the lost dog chronicles", story soon to follow...
Monday, 9/17
Ran up at rose bowl, past devil's gate, and onto JPL. took the first half easy and started working a little (but not much) on the way back. By the last mile I kicked it up to about 5:30 pace and felt fine. 9 miles ish.
did five miles in the evening rather easy. Felt good all day, legs weren't feeling dead anymore.
Tuesday, 9/18
Mile repeats at Lacy (5:37, 5:27, 5:24, 5:25, 5:20). These felt ok. Rosen stuck with Anton and me on the first one and anton stuck with me through the third one (which I had him lead). On the fourth one he dropped back a few seconds, then further on the last one. I felt mildly uncomfortable on the last two but figure i could have probably done 2 more at sub 5:30 pace if necessary. Jogged home the long way.
Wednesday, 9/19
Crazy tree kinda day. Did the first 4.5 miles easy than creeped into a sub 6 pace for the last mile. Felt good. Didn't feel as tight as i did last wednesday after Oak groves. Plan on doing at least another six in the evening.
PM: Huntington, stopped halfway through to stretch with Anton, Rosen and Sachith. Felt comfortable and treated the run similar to the morning. After 4.5 or 5 miles I began to steadily increase the pace, but not as much as in the morning. Afterwards we did abs + push-ups and then weight room.
Thursday, 9/20
3 on 2 off, x8 at Garfield. Hung with rosen and anton just ahead of scott for the first few repeats. For the last few I crept up the pace, by about 20 or 30 meters per interval. Felt good, really had to shit. On the way home plantar fascia tightened up, hurt like a bitch.
In the PM did an easy 2 on the grass.
Friday, 9/21
Ran huntingson. Felt ok and took it smoothly. I think some of the guys are overworking on easy days.
Saturday, 9/22
Tempo run in the arroyo, 4 loops (9:44, 9:21, 9:05, 8:50). Felt smooth as I sped up. Didn't feel tired at the end, probably could have done another two loops at a quick pace. This workout left me feeling confident at maintaining a sub 6 pace for longer runs. No pain.
PreSeason III
Total miles: 83
Sunday, 9/9
Ran from Rose bowl to JPL and then some. Felt tight at times, 12 miles. About 5 miles into it I felt good, so I picked up the pace a little.
Monday, 9/10
Patrician, plus something a little extra before and after. I worked the hill hard yada yada yada.
Easy 3 in the PM plus plyos.
Tuesday, 9/11
Oak Groves in the morning. I really felt strong on this workout, much better than shanendoah's. I had good consistent times ( 4:05, 00, 02, 00, 00, 3:57) and recovery of about 2 minutes.
In the PM I slept in and woke up at 4:30, oops. I got down to the gym in time to lead the guys through my ab workout. They seem to be getting stronger, I think next time I'll up the interval to 90 seconds. We'll keep the pushups at 20, maybe 25 every other time. Afterwards I ran 4 miles and did a little lifting.
Wednesday, 9/12
Easy seven in the morning, followed by lacy plus laps in the afternoon. I was feeling really tight in the morning so I built into a nice brisk pace over most of the run to shake things out and by the end was cruising at sub 6 pace. This seemed to get most of the junk out. But things were still a little less than comfortable. The afternon I just kept chill.
Thursday, 9/13
Jogged to garfield and did 4 on, 2 off x 6. Felt kinda like shit the whole time, but managed to keep things moving at about 5:30 pace.
In that afternoon we did an easy 3 mile jog with the girls followed by abs and weights. I up-ed the interval for abs to 90seconds... it seemed hard for everyone again, so we'll hold it there for a while. We also did 20 pushups x 6, although iI'm not sure that everyone is doing all of them. My legs are finally feeling pretty loose and back to normal compared to a few days ago.
Friday, 9/14
Easy 6. Started pre-race with the team then finished by going to the end of lombardy and back to tech. Legs didn't feel sore, just tired. Very tired. Could move quick, but it took a decent amount of effort. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be feeling more ease in quickness. Finished up with some strides, 8. Once again, the legs just didn't feel too quick. I tried hitting my top speed on the last two but it didn't seem like it was coming. Overall: not sore, just tired.
Did an easy 3 on the course in the pm with some striders. Began feeling better, but not much. Still tired in the legs.
Saturday, 9/15
8k race at Balboa park. My stomach felt like crap, I think i ate too much the night before. Anyways, by the time the race started all was fine. I half led most of the first mile at a 5:30ish pace. This felt very easy and relaxed and like I was breathing lighter than all the guys around me. the big hill didn't seem that bad although a few guys passed me there I figured they were working too hard. I maintained in 5th place down the backside through 2 miles in 11:00ish and hit the turn around point feeling good. Going into mile three I was starting to feel pain and it showed in my pace as I dropped to 5:45ish. The fourth mile was a bomb. I started doing survival shuffle which luckily in a race is still 6:00 pace. The hill set me back a good bit though on the concrete switchbacks and I fell to nearly a 6:20 for that mile, ouch! Coming off the hill I was in seventh place with about 1 mile to go and Anton had just passed me. I managed to work through the lactic acid and start opening my stride again to gain on Anton. When my legs started working correctly again I had about 40 to 50 meters to go on Anton. Slowly I caught up and by the time I reached the U-turn I passed him and headed for the shoot. With a few hundred meters to go I was in full stride and much more pain than the last race. Then I finished, 28:40. Felt like crap, not too happy, not too angry. Just a hard race on a hard course after a hard week.
Sunday, 9/9
Ran from Rose bowl to JPL and then some. Felt tight at times, 12 miles. About 5 miles into it I felt good, so I picked up the pace a little.
Monday, 9/10
Patrician, plus something a little extra before and after. I worked the hill hard yada yada yada.
Easy 3 in the PM plus plyos.
Tuesday, 9/11
Oak Groves in the morning. I really felt strong on this workout, much better than shanendoah's. I had good consistent times ( 4:05, 00, 02, 00, 00, 3:57) and recovery of about 2 minutes.
In the PM I slept in and woke up at 4:30, oops. I got down to the gym in time to lead the guys through my ab workout. They seem to be getting stronger, I think next time I'll up the interval to 90 seconds. We'll keep the pushups at 20, maybe 25 every other time. Afterwards I ran 4 miles and did a little lifting.
Wednesday, 9/12
Easy seven in the morning, followed by lacy plus laps in the afternoon. I was feeling really tight in the morning so I built into a nice brisk pace over most of the run to shake things out and by the end was cruising at sub 6 pace. This seemed to get most of the junk out. But things were still a little less than comfortable. The afternon I just kept chill.
Thursday, 9/13
Jogged to garfield and did 4 on, 2 off x 6. Felt kinda like shit the whole time, but managed to keep things moving at about 5:30 pace.
In that afternoon we did an easy 3 mile jog with the girls followed by abs and weights. I up-ed the interval for abs to 90seconds... it seemed hard for everyone again, so we'll hold it there for a while. We also did 20 pushups x 6, although iI'm not sure that everyone is doing all of them. My legs are finally feeling pretty loose and back to normal compared to a few days ago.
Friday, 9/14
Easy 6. Started pre-race with the team then finished by going to the end of lombardy and back to tech. Legs didn't feel sore, just tired. Very tired. Could move quick, but it took a decent amount of effort. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be feeling more ease in quickness. Finished up with some strides, 8. Once again, the legs just didn't feel too quick. I tried hitting my top speed on the last two but it didn't seem like it was coming. Overall: not sore, just tired.
Did an easy 3 on the course in the pm with some striders. Began feeling better, but not much. Still tired in the legs.
Saturday, 9/15
8k race at Balboa park. My stomach felt like crap, I think i ate too much the night before. Anyways, by the time the race started all was fine. I half led most of the first mile at a 5:30ish pace. This felt very easy and relaxed and like I was breathing lighter than all the guys around me. the big hill didn't seem that bad although a few guys passed me there I figured they were working too hard. I maintained in 5th place down the backside through 2 miles in 11:00ish and hit the turn around point feeling good. Going into mile three I was starting to feel pain and it showed in my pace as I dropped to 5:45ish. The fourth mile was a bomb. I started doing survival shuffle which luckily in a race is still 6:00 pace. The hill set me back a good bit though on the concrete switchbacks and I fell to nearly a 6:20 for that mile, ouch! Coming off the hill I was in seventh place with about 1 mile to go and Anton had just passed me. I managed to work through the lactic acid and start opening my stride again to gain on Anton. When my legs started working correctly again I had about 40 to 50 meters to go on Anton. Slowly I caught up and by the time I reached the U-turn I passed him and headed for the shoot. With a few hundred meters to go I was in full stride and much more pain than the last race. Then I finished, 28:40. Felt like crap, not too happy, not too angry. Just a hard race on a hard course after a hard week.
PreSeason II
Total Miles: 60
Sunday, 9/2
Did a moderate 6 miles in the heat of the afternoon. Felt really freiken hot and I nearly lost 1 lb. per mile.
Monday, 9/3
Monrovia canyon, took the first twenty minutes easy, then charged up the mountain for the last 10. About 10 in all
Tuesday, 9/4
Shanendoah x 6. This felt really hard and I didn't fell like I could do them nearly as fast as I know I have in the past. (4:17, 17, 16, 19, 17).
In the afternoon we did about 3 miles, plus abs and weights.
Wednesday, 9/5
Huntingson, started moving a little at the end, but took it all rather easy.
Plyos in the afternoon, plus 2 miles.
Thursday, 9/6
In the morning did some San Marino Hills (S&M). Treated this more like a tempo workout and kept the "in-betweens" nice and quick, without letting myself slack off on the hills, 8 miles in all.
In the P.M. jogged to Lacy, did some laps and jogged back for abs, and weights.
Friday, 9/7
Did lower arroyo and finally began to feel good and lose when I was coming up California.
Saturday, 9/8
UCI invite. The course was ok, but the race was organized horribly and runners were being directed in the wrong way. Ran 8k in 26:58, felt strong.
Sunday, 9/2
Did a moderate 6 miles in the heat of the afternoon. Felt really freiken hot and I nearly lost 1 lb. per mile.
Monday, 9/3
Monrovia canyon, took the first twenty minutes easy, then charged up the mountain for the last 10. About 10 in all
Tuesday, 9/4
Shanendoah x 6. This felt really hard and I didn't fell like I could do them nearly as fast as I know I have in the past. (4:17, 17, 16, 19, 17).
In the afternoon we did about 3 miles, plus abs and weights.
Wednesday, 9/5
Huntingson, started moving a little at the end, but took it all rather easy.
Plyos in the afternoon, plus 2 miles.
Thursday, 9/6
In the morning did some San Marino Hills (S&M). Treated this more like a tempo workout and kept the "in-betweens" nice and quick, without letting myself slack off on the hills, 8 miles in all.
In the P.M. jogged to Lacy, did some laps and jogged back for abs, and weights.
Friday, 9/7
Did lower arroyo and finally began to feel good and lose when I was coming up California.
Saturday, 9/8
UCI invite. The course was ok, but the race was organized horribly and runners were being directed in the wrong way. Ran 8k in 26:58, felt strong.
PreSeason I
Total Miles: 71
Sunday, 8/26
Ran an easy 7 on the north field
Monday, 8/27
Did Huntington easy plus strides
Tuesday, 8/28
Ran at Monrovia Canyon with Katherine, felt good. Took today pretty easy again.
Wednesday, 8/29
Huntington plus strides and cooldown
Thursday, 8/30
Long run, Full arroyo plus an ian tempo loop. At times I was cooking around 6:00 pace during this run. Felt good.
Friday, 8/31
Canons in the morning, I held these pretty good, but not too fast. (2:42, 45, 48,48, 50, 46). I took the recovery short and worked the hill. I was usually feeling pretty tired by the time I got to the downhill and just coasted it in.
In the P.M. we left for camping, after pitching it up we did an easy 5 around.
Saturday, 9/1
Woke up at the crack of dawn and headed out on the pacific crest trail. Rosen, Anton and I held out on these for 55 minutes. Steve was with us also for 45. This was a rather difficult run that I didn't feel until sunday really. Probably about 13 miles in all.
Did an easy 4 in the evening with less hills and on pavement, unfortunately. Felt good to kinda shake out the legs.
Sunday, 8/26
Ran an easy 7 on the north field
Monday, 8/27
Did Huntington easy plus strides
Tuesday, 8/28
Ran at Monrovia Canyon with Katherine, felt good. Took today pretty easy again.
Wednesday, 8/29
Huntington plus strides and cooldown
Thursday, 8/30
Long run, Full arroyo plus an ian tempo loop. At times I was cooking around 6:00 pace during this run. Felt good.
Friday, 8/31
Canons in the morning, I held these pretty good, but not too fast. (2:42, 45, 48,48, 50, 46). I took the recovery short and worked the hill. I was usually feeling pretty tired by the time I got to the downhill and just coasted it in.
In the P.M. we left for camping, after pitching it up we did an easy 5 around.
Saturday, 9/1
Woke up at the crack of dawn and headed out on the pacific crest trail. Rosen, Anton and I held out on these for 55 minutes. Steve was with us also for 45. This was a rather difficult run that I didn't feel until sunday really. Probably about 13 miles in all.
Did an easy 4 in the evening with less hills and on pavement, unfortunately. Felt good to kinda shake out the legs.
Feeling Fat
Despite a lack in weight gain, I've spent the last few weeks considering the importance of weight for a middle/long distance runner. How significant are those 10 extra pounds and how strenuous of measures should we take to lose them. Currently I sit at 160 lbs (at most) and have since my freshman year (before which I was 150 at most). Given the effort I'm putting into my running, it seems natural that I put forth a little extra effort in this area of life in order to form myself into a better runner. Thus the general goal is for me to drop weight to where I am consistently below 150 lbs. First and fore most I am giving up alcohol until I achieve this. Secondly I will have to make changes to my diet. While I of course know what a healthy diet is, I'm not quite sure what will help to drop a few more pounds. This is where I need help in knowing what to do (let alone reassurement that any of this is necessary). Let me know what you think.
Thursday, 8/23
Regardless of whether I decide to really try to watch my caloric intake, over the next few weeks I'm going to attempt to log my diet and keep track of how well I am eating. Matt's Food log.
Thursday, 8/23
Regardless of whether I decide to really try to watch my caloric intake, over the next few weeks I'm going to attempt to log my diet and keep track of how well I am eating. Matt's Food log.
Miles: 73
80 Miles this week, 1 tempo workout.
Sunday, 8/19
Ran 10 miles up at the Monrovia dam, transportation courteous of katherine (thanks). Felt tired by the end since I did several miles of hills.
In the evening I did a rather quick 3 with Ian before finishing off with another 3 in San Marino. In case none of you knew, San Marino gets really fucking dark at night.
Monday, 8/20
Ran 9 miles, Lower + Ian loop. Took it kinda slow in preparation of an intended long day tomorrow with about 4-5 miles of tempo.
Tuesday, 8/21
Ran down to the arroyo via the south pas. route for a nice tempo run. I stopped by the baseball diamonds for quick weight loss via my ass then trotted to the start of the Ian loops for the guts and nuts of the run. Without much hesitation i began the workout: 3 laps, hard but not too wearing. I went out for the first few hundred meters relatively conservative, hesitant of the mistake I made of going out too fast last week. I had also made it my plan to have four places to check the watch and monitor my progress: 1) the first bridge 2) the second bridge 3) the casting pond 4) the start/finish. Unfortunately, when I got to the first bridge I nearly stopped the workout altogether when I realized that I hadn't even started my watch. In turn I remembered that to the second bridge is roughly 5 minutes. So I decided to start my watch there and just add on five minutes. When I got back to the start my watch read 4:45 (9:45 for the first lap). By the time I got back to the second bridge I was at 9:10 for the first timed lap. Back to the start my watch read 13:48 (18:48, this is where I stopped last week, too tired to continue). Hauling on I came by the second bridge reading 18:10 (23:10). Lastly I came to the finish reading 22:40 (27:40).
Personally, right now I'm really pleased with this time for 8k-ish. Theres still a lot to factor in: proper shoes, better-warm up, race atmosphere, and taper. While some of which would affect me positively others would affect me negatively. Either way this workout left me feeling strong and confident about this coming season and the training I've done so far.
I finished up running full arroyo for a total of 15 miles for the day.
Wednesday, 8/22
Patrician + NF laps for 12 miles in all. Took it slow at a nice recovery pace, felt good.
Thursday, 8/23
Felt good and well rested in the a.m. after 10 hours of sleep. Decided it was still probably a good idea to just run an easy 7 or 8 today.
Ran Huntingson and followed it up with a few laps to round out to 7 miles.
Friday, 8/24
Ran some with mark at some hills. Maybe four miles if i'm lucky.
Saturday, 8/25
An easy 10
80 Miles this week, 1 tempo workout.
Sunday, 8/19
Ran 10 miles up at the Monrovia dam, transportation courteous of katherine (thanks). Felt tired by the end since I did several miles of hills.
In the evening I did a rather quick 3 with Ian before finishing off with another 3 in San Marino. In case none of you knew, San Marino gets really fucking dark at night.
Monday, 8/20
Ran 9 miles, Lower + Ian loop. Took it kinda slow in preparation of an intended long day tomorrow with about 4-5 miles of tempo.
Tuesday, 8/21
Ran down to the arroyo via the south pas. route for a nice tempo run. I stopped by the baseball diamonds for quick weight loss via my ass then trotted to the start of the Ian loops for the guts and nuts of the run. Without much hesitation i began the workout: 3 laps, hard but not too wearing. I went out for the first few hundred meters relatively conservative, hesitant of the mistake I made of going out too fast last week. I had also made it my plan to have four places to check the watch and monitor my progress: 1) the first bridge 2) the second bridge 3) the casting pond 4) the start/finish. Unfortunately, when I got to the first bridge I nearly stopped the workout altogether when I realized that I hadn't even started my watch. In turn I remembered that to the second bridge is roughly 5 minutes. So I decided to start my watch there and just add on five minutes. When I got back to the start my watch read 4:45 (9:45 for the first lap). By the time I got back to the second bridge I was at 9:10 for the first timed lap. Back to the start my watch read 13:48 (18:48, this is where I stopped last week, too tired to continue). Hauling on I came by the second bridge reading 18:10 (23:10). Lastly I came to the finish reading 22:40 (27:40).
Personally, right now I'm really pleased with this time for 8k-ish. Theres still a lot to factor in: proper shoes, better-warm up, race atmosphere, and taper. While some of which would affect me positively others would affect me negatively. Either way this workout left me feeling strong and confident about this coming season and the training I've done so far.
I finished up running full arroyo for a total of 15 miles for the day.
Wednesday, 8/22
Patrician + NF laps for 12 miles in all. Took it slow at a nice recovery pace, felt good.
Thursday, 8/23
Felt good and well rested in the a.m. after 10 hours of sleep. Decided it was still probably a good idea to just run an easy 7 or 8 today.
Ran Huntingson and followed it up with a few laps to round out to 7 miles.
Friday, 8/24
Ran some with mark at some hills. Maybe four miles if i'm lucky.
Saturday, 8/25
An easy 10
Lazy Week
Mileage for the week: 50
This week I'm back in pasadena and rollin like a gangsta. The plan over this week is to keep things mostly easy and maybe throw in a tempo run and just get a little rested up before I kick things up a notch next week.
Sunday, 8/12
Biked 40 some miles to Julie's house. Did some talking with Grant and Garrett 'bout some electronic stuff, teaching them to use this toy Julie bought them. Got a ride home.
Monday, 8/13
Ran an easy 9
Tuesday, 8/14
Ran straight down California to the arroyo, very chill. I stretched and started a tempo. Started out too fast, and ended stopping early :( .. Did two laps in about 18:50 ... of course I was counting in my head so this might be a little inaccurate
Wednesday, 8/15
Ran 10 with mark, good distance, bad speed. We probably ran the first 4 at about 6:20 pace or quicker. Once we got a little ways into the arroyo we chilled out until we hit green where things sped up again. I sprinted back at supersonic speeds to shit.
Friday, 8/17
Wend up to Chantry and ran towards the helipad with mark Ian and Garret. We continued on a trail that apparently goes all the way up to wilson. I suppose this might be a good distance run for a nice trying day of pain and self-loathing. We probably did about 7 in all.
Saturday, 8/18
Ran 13 in the morning. I started off a little dehydrated and all around tired since I hadn't slept too well. I essentially stumbled through most of these miles. I stopped twice to drink massive amounts of water. And still finished the run at 150 pounds (about 8 pounds under normal). I might throw in a few quick miles in the evening
Finished off with a few more miles then a hard one on the track (5:15).
This week I'm back in pasadena and rollin like a gangsta. The plan over this week is to keep things mostly easy and maybe throw in a tempo run and just get a little rested up before I kick things up a notch next week.
Sunday, 8/12
Biked 40 some miles to Julie's house. Did some talking with Grant and Garrett 'bout some electronic stuff, teaching them to use this toy Julie bought them. Got a ride home.
Monday, 8/13
Ran an easy 9
Tuesday, 8/14
Ran straight down California to the arroyo, very chill. I stretched and started a tempo. Started out too fast, and ended stopping early :( .. Did two laps in about 18:50 ... of course I was counting in my head so this might be a little inaccurate
Wednesday, 8/15
Ran 10 with mark, good distance, bad speed. We probably ran the first 4 at about 6:20 pace or quicker. Once we got a little ways into the arroyo we chilled out until we hit green where things sped up again. I sprinted back at supersonic speeds to shit.
Friday, 8/17
Wend up to Chantry and ran towards the helipad with mark Ian and Garret. We continued on a trail that apparently goes all the way up to wilson. I suppose this might be a good distance run for a nice trying day of pain and self-loathing. We probably did about 7 in all.
Saturday, 8/18
Ran 13 in the morning. I started off a little dehydrated and all around tired since I hadn't slept too well. I essentially stumbled through most of these miles. I stopped twice to drink massive amounts of water. And still finished the run at 150 pounds (about 8 pounds under normal). I might throw in a few quick miles in the evening
Finished off with a few more miles then a hard one on the track (5:15).
Home Turf II
Total miles: 66
This week I plan to up the miles a little more and up the intensity a tiny bit. This is a big jump for either one though, just small increases in both, especially since I feel my intensity is a little lacking lately.
Sunday, 8/5
Today I was up in Sonora, Ca, fishing with Ma and Pa Kiesz (my parents). Too bad there was nothing over four or five inches in the lake.... I must have caught nearly 10 or 11 guppies though... and this was without even trying.... The damn things were annoyingly biting as quick as I could bait the line and cast it in the water... Following their stupidity to repeatedly bite the hook, I would try to get them off as quickly as possible and send them back in the water before Ma could get a picture... Got home late and tired, didn't run...
Monday, 8/6
Got up and did a crossword for a few with Pa. Ran 2 miles all on my own... then 10 more with Jeff Merrill... We went slow at first then worked into a tempo... After a while of this we had to run on some railroad tracks over a bridge, so we slowed down for a mile or so.... At one point I said "train" and Jeff said "where".... yeah, those UMich guys are kinda dumb... oh well... After geting past the tracks we worked back into a tempo of about 6 minute pace and bounced around there for about 3 miles then broke into about 5:20 ish pace for the last mile.
In the evening I went out and did an easy 3 and finished the last mile with a few fartleks as I followed my Ma and Pa on their bikes.
Tuesday, 8/7
Ran 8 miles late in the evening. The run hurt because I had to shit.
Wednesday, 8/8
Ran 14.5 miles in the morning. My shins started to hurt a little at some point and my quads were coming and going as far as pain goes. The pace was rather steady at 6:50ish.
Dead things I saw in this run: 2 skunks, 3 'possums, 1 dog (or maybe a coyote)....
In the evening I took another short run. I ran to the H.S. and did some striders. Then coming home some punks (damn kids) called me a faggot and told me to get some new running shorts.... I tried to catch up an punch him in the face but he was in one of those new fangle horse-less carriages. About 200m later some jack-ass had his car parked through the driveway, blocking the sidewalk and into the street. This really pissed me off because of the safety issue it poses to both runners and cyclists along with pedestrians and little kids who have to go into the busy street to get around this car... So in the high testosterone angry state I was already in I slapped the car really hard so that the owner inside the house would hear and stop being such a son of a bitch. A 1/4 mile later I was at the last stoplight before my house when some broad completely eye fucked me, giving me the double glance with a long second look at a stop light. I ran past the light and in front of the school nearby where it was some back-to-school night shit with all the parents coming to see what their kids aren't going to learn this year. Coming past the school theres some young punk, about 25, with his wife who he probably knocked up 7 years ago to have a shotgun wedding, walking towards me. I move to one side to give them some space but that fucking son of a bitch in his sun glasses and black hat doesn't move. He eyes me like he's a real tough mother fucker, and by now I'm not really all that happy. So I just stand my ground and as I run past him I push my elbow a little wider to give him a nice sweaty side of Matt Kiesz. This run was about 4 miles to wrap up 18.5 mile day.
Thursday, 8/8
Ran my old long run (8.5 miles)... it felt depressingly short, but easy.
Friday, 8/9
My long awaited return to SoCal was today. The air looks like gray shit and the humidity is high. I didn't run.
Saturday, 8/10
Got up, ran 9. I'm beginning to feel tired and like this training is taking a toll on me. I'll probably do another medium run later this evening of about the same distance. Its a good thing next week is an easy week
Did 7 more in the evening and threw in a few crazy fartleks of about 5:30-6:00 pace for about 1 mile each. Felt dandy, and was pleasantly surprised since I had been so tired earlier.
This week I plan to up the miles a little more and up the intensity a tiny bit. This is a big jump for either one though, just small increases in both, especially since I feel my intensity is a little lacking lately.
Sunday, 8/5
Today I was up in Sonora, Ca, fishing with Ma and Pa Kiesz (my parents). Too bad there was nothing over four or five inches in the lake.... I must have caught nearly 10 or 11 guppies though... and this was without even trying.... The damn things were annoyingly biting as quick as I could bait the line and cast it in the water... Following their stupidity to repeatedly bite the hook, I would try to get them off as quickly as possible and send them back in the water before Ma could get a picture... Got home late and tired, didn't run...
Monday, 8/6
Got up and did a crossword for a few with Pa. Ran 2 miles all on my own... then 10 more with Jeff Merrill... We went slow at first then worked into a tempo... After a while of this we had to run on some railroad tracks over a bridge, so we slowed down for a mile or so.... At one point I said "train" and Jeff said "where".... yeah, those UMich guys are kinda dumb... oh well... After geting past the tracks we worked back into a tempo of about 6 minute pace and bounced around there for about 3 miles then broke into about 5:20 ish pace for the last mile.
In the evening I went out and did an easy 3 and finished the last mile with a few fartleks as I followed my Ma and Pa on their bikes.
Tuesday, 8/7
Ran 8 miles late in the evening. The run hurt because I had to shit.
Wednesday, 8/8
Ran 14.5 miles in the morning. My shins started to hurt a little at some point and my quads were coming and going as far as pain goes. The pace was rather steady at 6:50ish.
Dead things I saw in this run: 2 skunks, 3 'possums, 1 dog (or maybe a coyote)....
In the evening I took another short run. I ran to the H.S. and did some striders. Then coming home some punks (damn kids) called me a faggot and told me to get some new running shorts.... I tried to catch up an punch him in the face but he was in one of those new fangle horse-less carriages. About 200m later some jack-ass had his car parked through the driveway, blocking the sidewalk and into the street. This really pissed me off because of the safety issue it poses to both runners and cyclists along with pedestrians and little kids who have to go into the busy street to get around this car... So in the high testosterone angry state I was already in I slapped the car really hard so that the owner inside the house would hear and stop being such a son of a bitch. A 1/4 mile later I was at the last stoplight before my house when some broad completely eye fucked me, giving me the double glance with a long second look at a stop light. I ran past the light and in front of the school nearby where it was some back-to-school night shit with all the parents coming to see what their kids aren't going to learn this year. Coming past the school theres some young punk, about 25, with his wife who he probably knocked up 7 years ago to have a shotgun wedding, walking towards me. I move to one side to give them some space but that fucking son of a bitch in his sun glasses and black hat doesn't move. He eyes me like he's a real tough mother fucker, and by now I'm not really all that happy. So I just stand my ground and as I run past him I push my elbow a little wider to give him a nice sweaty side of Matt Kiesz. This run was about 4 miles to wrap up 18.5 mile day.
Thursday, 8/8
Ran my old long run (8.5 miles)... it felt depressingly short, but easy.
Friday, 8/9
My long awaited return to SoCal was today. The air looks like gray shit and the humidity is high. I didn't run.
Saturday, 8/10
Got up, ran 9. I'm beginning to feel tired and like this training is taking a toll on me. I'll probably do another medium run later this evening of about the same distance. Its a good thing next week is an easy week
Did 7 more in the evening and threw in a few crazy fartleks of about 5:30-6:00 pace for about 1 mile each. Felt dandy, and was pleasantly surprised since I had been so tired earlier.
Home Turf
Total miles: 68.25
This week I'm taking a much needed break from L.A. and hitting my home turf again. Its hot here, but I'm well rested and not hurting in my legs at all now. My back still hurts a little, but that usually goes away after 1 mile. All in all, I'm going to try and have a steady week and do about 70 miles. Wish me luck
Sunday, 7/29
Was tired after a long journey home. Tested out the back and did 5 miles. Things went fine, I'll go for about 10 tomorrow and work from there.
Monday, 7/30
Got up at 11 and immediately left for a run. I ran out towards the country and ran along a canal for a while, then I did a loop out to the far side of town. I think I got honked at once during this whole run. oh well... i was quite tired when i got home and realized my run was only 9 miles...
On a lighter note I realized I was completely back in hick-town Lodi while driving down one of the main roads in town in my dad's pickup truck, listening to country music, following a slow moving tractor.
Tuesday, 7/31
Woke up at the crack of dawn after a long day of catching up with a good friend and boozing it up a little. Headed out towards the country and ran all the way out to I-5. Stopped there and talked to some cows, stole some grapes off a vine for a light meal and came back. This really was a very randy run. At times I felt like crap in my stomach and went a little slower, other times I sped up a little (but not too much). Towards the end of the run I lurched over and nearly ralphed (likely a combo of last night and the early run). Oh, did I forget to mention, I saw two dead hawks, four dead blue jays, and about six dead opposums. Seriously, counting road kill is something to do while running out there (here, in hickville).
12.5ish in all... maybe I'll tack in 5 in the evening.
After a long afternoon of fishing (a sport which I feel is very unlikely for me to hurt myself in) I headed out for a few extra miles. Much to my humor I quickly realized that the temperature was near 100. Ouchie WaWA!. I went rather slow with a few little fartleks here and there in place of strides afterwards. Did 5.75 miles in all. Thats 18.25 for the day!
Wednesday, 8/1
Wow, I actually had a dream about Will Leer's damn Seal.... Continuing on... I got up (early again) to run with an old pal, Jeff Merrill. I ran to his house (2 miles away) and headed out on a 10 miler with him. A few miles into it I had to tail off though. I was feeling very tight and sore from yesterday (big surprise), so I decided that instead of doing like I did 2 weeks ago and having a really good start of the week and a shitty end I would call it a day after 6 miles. Hopefully this will pay off and tomorrow I can do about 10 or 12 in the morning.
Thursday, 8/2
Got angry at the world and decided to run until I felt better. 14 miles later I didn't feel better, but was at least to tired to care anymore. It was 86 out which I guess isn't all that bad, but I did see a bird spontaneously combust... you decide how bad it is i guess.
Spent the some time later in the day chilling with Jeff Merrill and went to fleet feet with him. Also chilled at the local farmer market where
I discovered the joy of pluots...
These things are seriously so freiekn good. They represent the perfect orgasmic cross between an apricot and a plum. After that I had dinner with Jeff and his family at a downtown mexican restaurant. Gotta love mexican food! Then I went home to hang with some other fools and have some good old fashioned chilling for the day.
Friday, 8/3
Ran 8 miles in the heat (95ish) having a few short fartleks here and there... overall this was an easy run though... I felt fine, might tack on a few miles in the evening if I have time.
Saturday, 8/4
Did 8 miles in the morning. Felt good, probably pulled about 6:30's or so once I was moving... stopped to shit.
This week I'm taking a much needed break from L.A. and hitting my home turf again. Its hot here, but I'm well rested and not hurting in my legs at all now. My back still hurts a little, but that usually goes away after 1 mile. All in all, I'm going to try and have a steady week and do about 70 miles. Wish me luck
Sunday, 7/29
Was tired after a long journey home. Tested out the back and did 5 miles. Things went fine, I'll go for about 10 tomorrow and work from there.
Monday, 7/30
Got up at 11 and immediately left for a run. I ran out towards the country and ran along a canal for a while, then I did a loop out to the far side of town. I think I got honked at once during this whole run. oh well... i was quite tired when i got home and realized my run was only 9 miles...
On a lighter note I realized I was completely back in hick-town Lodi while driving down one of the main roads in town in my dad's pickup truck, listening to country music, following a slow moving tractor.
Tuesday, 7/31
Woke up at the crack of dawn after a long day of catching up with a good friend and boozing it up a little. Headed out towards the country and ran all the way out to I-5. Stopped there and talked to some cows, stole some grapes off a vine for a light meal and came back. This really was a very randy run. At times I felt like crap in my stomach and went a little slower, other times I sped up a little (but not too much). Towards the end of the run I lurched over and nearly ralphed (likely a combo of last night and the early run). Oh, did I forget to mention, I saw two dead hawks, four dead blue jays, and about six dead opposums. Seriously, counting road kill is something to do while running out there (here, in hickville).
12.5ish in all... maybe I'll tack in 5 in the evening.
After a long afternoon of fishing (a sport which I feel is very unlikely for me to hurt myself in) I headed out for a few extra miles. Much to my humor I quickly realized that the temperature was near 100. Ouchie WaWA!. I went rather slow with a few little fartleks here and there in place of strides afterwards. Did 5.75 miles in all. Thats 18.25 for the day!
Wednesday, 8/1
Wow, I actually had a dream about Will Leer's damn Seal.... Continuing on... I got up (early again) to run with an old pal, Jeff Merrill. I ran to his house (2 miles away) and headed out on a 10 miler with him. A few miles into it I had to tail off though. I was feeling very tight and sore from yesterday (big surprise), so I decided that instead of doing like I did 2 weeks ago and having a really good start of the week and a shitty end I would call it a day after 6 miles. Hopefully this will pay off and tomorrow I can do about 10 or 12 in the morning.
Thursday, 8/2
Got angry at the world and decided to run until I felt better. 14 miles later I didn't feel better, but was at least to tired to care anymore. It was 86 out which I guess isn't all that bad, but I did see a bird spontaneously combust... you decide how bad it is i guess.
Spent the some time later in the day chilling with Jeff Merrill and went to fleet feet with him. Also chilled at the local farmer market where

These things are seriously so freiekn good. They represent the perfect orgasmic cross between an apricot and a plum. After that I had dinner with Jeff and his family at a downtown mexican restaurant. Gotta love mexican food! Then I went home to hang with some other fools and have some good old fashioned chilling for the day.
Friday, 8/3
Ran 8 miles in the heat (95ish) having a few short fartleks here and there... overall this was an easy run though... I felt fine, might tack on a few miles in the evening if I have time.
Saturday, 8/4
Did 8 miles in the morning. Felt good, probably pulled about 6:30's or so once I was moving... stopped to shit.
Another week
Total miles: 17
The goal for this week is to increase the mileage at a easier pace. Just do several miles (high 60, low 70) possibly using more runs than in previous weeks, and not worry about how fast I'm going. The goal is for this week to also feel like an "off" week.
Sunday, 7/22
Did lower arroyo, felt fine. Pulled a few fartleks here and there.
Monday, 7/23
Easy 6... i hate mondays
got fucking bloody injured diving for a softball, took tuesday off. Wednesday i biked and lifted. Thursday, ran 1 mile and swam. Friday, ran 2.5 miles and swam.
The goal for this week is to increase the mileage at a easier pace. Just do several miles (high 60, low 70) possibly using more runs than in previous weeks, and not worry about how fast I'm going. The goal is for this week to also feel like an "off" week.
Sunday, 7/22
Did lower arroyo, felt fine. Pulled a few fartleks here and there.
Monday, 7/23
Easy 6... i hate mondays
got fucking bloody injured diving for a softball, took tuesday off. Wednesday i biked and lifted. Thursday, ran 1 mile and swam. Friday, ran 2.5 miles and swam.
Trial of Miles
Total miles: 55
This week will focus once again on just keep every run somewhat real and worthwhile. Every mile can count a little, and every run can be of reasonable distance. Mile-wise I haven't really set out what I want for this week quite yet. Somewhere around 60, but I'll have a better idea when I see how I'm feeling at the end of the week after a few long runs and late nights.
Saturday, 7/21
Biked 60 miles
Friday, 7/20
Ran 9 miles in the evening... felt like shit... not my muscles, they felt fine.. it was really just my stomach i suppose
Thursday, 7/19
Ran lacy the long way and did some laps at the park. Middway through my laps I sat and watched a spider spin a web. Seriously, it may be boring... but it was soo freiken cool watching it spin along. This was a really relaxing run, I just jogged along, dreaming of being super fast and such. Madddd chilll.
Wednesday, 7/18
Did the same run as sunday (huntingson merged with full arroyo) but I added in the rose bowl loop and came up orange grove. I held a decent pace throughout the run and even managed to throw fartleks in here or there. At the R.B. I began cruising at about 6:10 pace for a mile or two before chilling back into 7's. Finished 16 miles in under two hours which included stopping for a shit in the arroyo and waiting for lights all the way down green. That probably brings the average to just under 7's. Oh yeah, some little kid tried to race me at the rose bowl but I just beat him up.
Tuesday, 7/17
Felt much better today. Lab went okay and my mind wasn't killing me. After 9 hours in lab I headed to the gym and did patrician. Did a few extra laps once I got back to the track at a nice quick pace. Followed this up with some striders. So two quick questions to everyone reading: 1) Is doing almost several miles of 10+ miles/week ok? It feels ok right now and my body doesn't seem to be chronically physically tired, but I'm not sure. I'm still also able to put a nice little kick in for the last mile or two to excercise my speed.
2) Now seems like the right time to start doing tempo runs. I was thinking of about 3-4 miles at about 5:30- 5:45 pace this friday.
Please let me know what you all think about these things.
Monday, 7/16
Felt like work was really getting me down and depressed. Things in lab aren't going great but they aren't going horrible. Couldn't muster the energy really to do anything today, didnt run.
Sunday, 7/15
Did a run that began as Huntingson, continued down monterey to the arroyo, then hoped in the arroyo at mission and continued as doing full arroyo. This run was hard, I started out going at an honest pace, and often threw in a few fartleks that lasted for a mile or more, not to mention it felt like it was pushin 90 or 95 degrees today. Finished feeling tired, but pulling my last mile in what must have been close to (or sub) 6 min. pace. Overall, ran about high 6's - 7 flats for today... Afterwards I rewarded myself with a day of fun. I had in 'n out for lunch and went into hollywood with the UK kids. Oh yeah, the run was 12 miles... fun times.
This week will focus once again on just keep every run somewhat real and worthwhile. Every mile can count a little, and every run can be of reasonable distance. Mile-wise I haven't really set out what I want for this week quite yet. Somewhere around 60, but I'll have a better idea when I see how I'm feeling at the end of the week after a few long runs and late nights.
Saturday, 7/21
Biked 60 miles
Friday, 7/20
Ran 9 miles in the evening... felt like shit... not my muscles, they felt fine.. it was really just my stomach i suppose
Thursday, 7/19
Ran lacy the long way and did some laps at the park. Middway through my laps I sat and watched a spider spin a web. Seriously, it may be boring... but it was soo freiken cool watching it spin along. This was a really relaxing run, I just jogged along, dreaming of being super fast and such. Madddd chilll.
Wednesday, 7/18
Did the same run as sunday (huntingson merged with full arroyo) but I added in the rose bowl loop and came up orange grove. I held a decent pace throughout the run and even managed to throw fartleks in here or there. At the R.B. I began cruising at about 6:10 pace for a mile or two before chilling back into 7's. Finished 16 miles in under two hours which included stopping for a shit in the arroyo and waiting for lights all the way down green. That probably brings the average to just under 7's. Oh yeah, some little kid tried to race me at the rose bowl but I just beat him up.
Tuesday, 7/17
Felt much better today. Lab went okay and my mind wasn't killing me. After 9 hours in lab I headed to the gym and did patrician. Did a few extra laps once I got back to the track at a nice quick pace. Followed this up with some striders. So two quick questions to everyone reading: 1) Is doing almost several miles of 10+ miles/week ok? It feels ok right now and my body doesn't seem to be chronically physically tired, but I'm not sure. I'm still also able to put a nice little kick in for the last mile or two to excercise my speed.
2) Now seems like the right time to start doing tempo runs. I was thinking of about 3-4 miles at about 5:30- 5:45 pace this friday.
Please let me know what you all think about these things.
Monday, 7/16
Felt like work was really getting me down and depressed. Things in lab aren't going great but they aren't going horrible. Couldn't muster the energy really to do anything today, didnt run.
Sunday, 7/15
Did a run that began as Huntingson, continued down monterey to the arroyo, then hoped in the arroyo at mission and continued as doing full arroyo. This run was hard, I started out going at an honest pace, and often threw in a few fartleks that lasted for a mile or more, not to mention it felt like it was pushin 90 or 95 degrees today. Finished feeling tired, but pulling my last mile in what must have been close to (or sub) 6 min. pace. Overall, ran about high 6's - 7 flats for today... Afterwards I rewarded myself with a day of fun. I had in 'n out for lunch and went into hollywood with the UK kids. Oh yeah, the run was 12 miles... fun times.
Going the distance
Total miles:59
This week is going to focus on increasing the mileage with steady intensity. All the runs should be around 7:00 pace, nothing slower. The goal is to hit 60 miles and still feel in about 6-8 sessions and still feel fresh enough to do 65 or so next week.
Saturday, 7/14
Went to the SD, past the OC, to see the KB, with the UK kids, go to PB, the ZO, and back to LA
Friday, 7/13
Ran a hard 6, Huntington... Had to poo the last few miles, so I had to run faster. Finished up with an easy few on the N.F. with I. Shapiro.
Thursday, 7/12
Easy 8, then shower. Super easy, yadda yadda. I suppose I should maybe mention that this may very well be some of the hardest mileage I've ever done. Not because every mile is hard, or even the straight quantity. It seems tiring, (but not too much) because I've done it in so few runs. Overall I suppose this is a good thing since it is something I wanted for this season, to cut out junky mileage. Oh well, we'll see how it holds up.
Wednesday, 7/11
Did exactly as planned, 15 miles from the Wilson up to JPL, past Gould campground a bit then turned around and came back. Somewhere about 1/2 way down the trail I ran into fatty and the oxy gang. It was somewhat encouraging to see them and really helped me through the tougher part of the run. Finished the whole run in a little less than 1:45, brining the pace to about 6:50's. This felt rather smooth, even better than the past 3 days.
Tuesday, 7/10
Headed out planning on doing just 6. After a mile I realized that despite my tiredness my legs were somewhat more lively and capable of turning over than I would have believed previous to starting the run. After doing Garfield the long way I finished up with two miles on the track, this all was somewhat of a fartlek run, probably pulling around 6:40s or so for the entire 8 miles. It really felt great (mentally) to be able to move with such ease despite the tiredness I felt. Its kind of an odd sensation to describe, but I think you may understand. I suppose this really sums up how I've felt the past couple days: tired at times, even worn out. However, once I start running it just comes. I have the energy to go several miles and even go a few more than I originally planned on. Oh well, the plan for tomorrow is an easy 15 around 7:20 pace or so... I'll play it by ear though. In other news, for dinner I totally had my heart set on making some roasted red pepper enchiladas. Unfortunately, the corner store was closed and I couldn't find somewhere nearby that had the stuff I needed. Thus I ventured to the nearby Rosarito #2. I splurged. Chili relleno combo burrito (thats about 3/2 the size of a regular burrito, and it comes with chips), beans, rice, and a tecate. All in all, I'm now sufficiently stuffed. Two last things: 1. I found it funny that the guy at the restaurant gave me two forks and knives when the food was just for me. 2. Does anyone know the name of the guy who rides the turquoisish/greenish bike with pink handle bars. I saw him on lake and he said hi to me, but I felt really bad since I couldn't remember his name (I think he's in either rickets or dabney).
Monday, 7/9
medium 9 at 7's. I felt a little tired and sore at parts of this run, early on. But by the time I got back to the track I felt fine and was probably pulling about 6:30's. Ran the last 2 1/4 miles barefoot with Jon Tsai. Tomorrow I'll probably take a little easier.
Sunday, 7/8
Ran a medium 10 at 7's. Felt good and probably pulled out a few miles at 6:30ish pace. Saw some chinese guy on the track while i did a few laps for extra miles.... saw him again 4 miles later. Its become typical now that I do this to add a few miles to my run. I'll throw a few extra laps around the track on either side of the run to get a few extra miles in, at pace of course.
This week is going to focus on increasing the mileage with steady intensity. All the runs should be around 7:00 pace, nothing slower. The goal is to hit 60 miles and still feel in about 6-8 sessions and still feel fresh enough to do 65 or so next week.
Saturday, 7/14
Went to the SD, past the OC, to see the KB, with the UK kids, go to PB, the ZO, and back to LA
Friday, 7/13
Ran a hard 6, Huntington... Had to poo the last few miles, so I had to run faster. Finished up with an easy few on the N.F. with I. Shapiro.
Thursday, 7/12
Easy 8, then shower. Super easy, yadda yadda. I suppose I should maybe mention that this may very well be some of the hardest mileage I've ever done. Not because every mile is hard, or even the straight quantity. It seems tiring, (but not too much) because I've done it in so few runs. Overall I suppose this is a good thing since it is something I wanted for this season, to cut out junky mileage. Oh well, we'll see how it holds up.
Wednesday, 7/11
Did exactly as planned, 15 miles from the Wilson up to JPL, past Gould campground a bit then turned around and came back. Somewhere about 1/2 way down the trail I ran into fatty and the oxy gang. It was somewhat encouraging to see them and really helped me through the tougher part of the run. Finished the whole run in a little less than 1:45, brining the pace to about 6:50's. This felt rather smooth, even better than the past 3 days.
Tuesday, 7/10
Headed out planning on doing just 6. After a mile I realized that despite my tiredness my legs were somewhat more lively and capable of turning over than I would have believed previous to starting the run. After doing Garfield the long way I finished up with two miles on the track, this all was somewhat of a fartlek run, probably pulling around 6:40s or so for the entire 8 miles. It really felt great (mentally) to be able to move with such ease despite the tiredness I felt. Its kind of an odd sensation to describe, but I think you may understand. I suppose this really sums up how I've felt the past couple days: tired at times, even worn out. However, once I start running it just comes. I have the energy to go several miles and even go a few more than I originally planned on. Oh well, the plan for tomorrow is an easy 15 around 7:20 pace or so... I'll play it by ear though. In other news, for dinner I totally had my heart set on making some roasted red pepper enchiladas. Unfortunately, the corner store was closed and I couldn't find somewhere nearby that had the stuff I needed. Thus I ventured to the nearby Rosarito #2. I splurged. Chili relleno combo burrito (thats about 3/2 the size of a regular burrito, and it comes with chips), beans, rice, and a tecate. All in all, I'm now sufficiently stuffed. Two last things: 1. I found it funny that the guy at the restaurant gave me two forks and knives when the food was just for me. 2. Does anyone know the name of the guy who rides the turquoisish/greenish bike with pink handle bars. I saw him on lake and he said hi to me, but I felt really bad since I couldn't remember his name (I think he's in either rickets or dabney).
Monday, 7/9
medium 9 at 7's. I felt a little tired and sore at parts of this run, early on. But by the time I got back to the track I felt fine and was probably pulling about 6:30's. Ran the last 2 1/4 miles barefoot with Jon Tsai. Tomorrow I'll probably take a little easier.
Sunday, 7/8
Ran a medium 10 at 7's. Felt good and probably pulled out a few miles at 6:30ish pace. Saw some chinese guy on the track while i did a few laps for extra miles.... saw him again 4 miles later. Its become typical now that I do this to add a few miles to my run. I'll throw a few extra laps around the track on either side of the run to get a few extra miles in, at pace of course.
Easing Off
Miles for the week: 35
The plan for this week is to back off a little bit. No, not because I'm feeling hurt, but more as a preventive measure. The goal will be about 45-50 miles at an easier pace, maybe 1 off day. This will also be easy mileage with nothing over 10 miles. Next week I'll resume scaling up and hopefully do about 60 miles.
Sorry for the late update, The rest of the week was low mileage. I took Tuesday off. Wednesday I ran a super easy 6. Thursday did a hard 6. Friday I took off. Saturday medium 9, but I felt very very relaxed. I feel very ready for 60 next week. Lets see how my body handles it.
Monday, 7/2
Did a moderate 5 in the early evening. Started around 7:30 pace for the first two miles, and went progressively (and steadily) faster the rest of the run. The last mile was probably about 6:20 pace.
Sunday, 7/1
Ran an easy 8 in the mid evening. Felt good, kept things around 7:30 pace, I know its slow... but I'm just holding to the plan for the week.
The plan for this week is to back off a little bit. No, not because I'm feeling hurt, but more as a preventive measure. The goal will be about 45-50 miles at an easier pace, maybe 1 off day. This will also be easy mileage with nothing over 10 miles. Next week I'll resume scaling up and hopefully do about 60 miles.
Sorry for the late update, The rest of the week was low mileage. I took Tuesday off. Wednesday I ran a super easy 6. Thursday did a hard 6. Friday I took off. Saturday medium 9, but I felt very very relaxed. I feel very ready for 60 next week. Lets see how my body handles it.
Monday, 7/2
Did a moderate 5 in the early evening. Started around 7:30 pace for the first two miles, and went progressively (and steadily) faster the rest of the run. The last mile was probably about 6:20 pace.
Sunday, 7/1
Ran an easy 8 in the mid evening. Felt good, kept things around 7:30 pace, I know its slow... but I'm just holding to the plan for the week.
A few more miles
Total miles for the week: 56
This week the plan is to just stay steady, increase a few miles, and continue to feel comfortable, I also will hopefully go to 7 or 8 sessions instead of 6 as in the past two weeks.
Saturday, 6/30
Got up and sat in front of the comp for a while. Watched the 1500 race and felt enthused to go out for a run. Ran this: 13 miles of hell in the sun, Started out smooth and after a few miles slowed down a little, then sped back up to pace. Stopped at Garfield park for water, and splashed myself with a bunch of water at the corner of glenarm, and fairoaks.
Personally I have only one fear about my training over the past couple of weeks. I am beginning to question if I have begun to cross the line between man and bum. I've spent many runs without my shirt on and running in dirty shorts that haven't been washed. I run unshaven, flailing my arms like a madman through the city. I drink from streams, and I wash my face in public fountains. The only things that truly remain are for me to take a nap in the park in the middle of one of my late night runs, and for me to get hungry and eat from a trash can. I suppose these will only take a matter of time.
In other news, when is the last time that any one of you was "run forrest run"-ed. I know this happened to me the other day, and I am in absolute awe that this perpetuation of a 15 year old joke has not lost tasted among the ill-humored of this nation. I mean don't these people watch any movies and get any better ideas: Logan's run, marathon man, and more. Oh well. Just let me know if this is only me, but I'd be rather curious when the last time any of you was "run forrest run"-ed.
Friday, 6/29
Went to go get a few beers with Timmy Tim Tirrel. Afterwards I went out and did an easy 4 miles. Didn't really get into any rhythm, probably held about 7's
Thursday, 6/28
Medium paced 12 miles with Ogliore, last run ever with him (or at least for a while). Ran 7 with him then did lacy the long way then finished up with one last mile around the track. Felt good the whole time, probably averaged under 7's.
Wednesday, 6/27
Medium paced 7 miles.. probably around 6:45 pace. felt good, no pain.
Tuseday, 6/26
Ran a super easy 4 miles. Lacy the long way. At some point I felt a little pain on the inside of my left lower calf. This seems like something that will go away by tomorrow, but I better watch it in any case.
Monday, 6/25
Ran a moderate 8 around the track, turning around every 2 miles. Oddly my legs tightened up each time i stopped to turn around, but were quickly loosened after a lap or two. I ran mostly on the asphalt lining and the track and felt no pain. I didn't have a watch but I'd figure the pace was around 7:00's to start, then steadly increased to 6:40ish, the last mile was probably about 6:00ish.
BTW... for those of you who haven't seen this race yet, this is possibly the coolest race ever...
2007 USATF 1500m
Sunday, 6/24
Today I waited till the late evening to run, 11:30. I left and felt good so I started booking and took my first mile around 6:25ish. I held this up down to the gym and then on down Lombardy. The run went fine and fast, finishing 8 miles at 6:15 pace. I got a little creeped out heading back, in the end part of lombardy where its really dark some caddy passed me really slowly, I half expected gangsters to jump out and have their way with me right there. I started going a little faster though just so they would know I was packing heat... They backed off, losers.
Total miles: 8
This week the plan is to just stay steady, increase a few miles, and continue to feel comfortable, I also will hopefully go to 7 or 8 sessions instead of 6 as in the past two weeks.
Saturday, 6/30
Got up and sat in front of the comp for a while. Watched the 1500 race and felt enthused to go out for a run. Ran this: 13 miles of hell in the sun, Started out smooth and after a few miles slowed down a little, then sped back up to pace. Stopped at Garfield park for water, and splashed myself with a bunch of water at the corner of glenarm, and fairoaks.
Personally I have only one fear about my training over the past couple of weeks. I am beginning to question if I have begun to cross the line between man and bum. I've spent many runs without my shirt on and running in dirty shorts that haven't been washed. I run unshaven, flailing my arms like a madman through the city. I drink from streams, and I wash my face in public fountains. The only things that truly remain are for me to take a nap in the park in the middle of one of my late night runs, and for me to get hungry and eat from a trash can. I suppose these will only take a matter of time.
In other news, when is the last time that any one of you was "run forrest run"-ed. I know this happened to me the other day, and I am in absolute awe that this perpetuation of a 15 year old joke has not lost tasted among the ill-humored of this nation. I mean don't these people watch any movies and get any better ideas: Logan's run, marathon man, and more. Oh well. Just let me know if this is only me, but I'd be rather curious when the last time any of you was "run forrest run"-ed.
Friday, 6/29
Went to go get a few beers with Timmy Tim Tirrel. Afterwards I went out and did an easy 4 miles. Didn't really get into any rhythm, probably held about 7's
Thursday, 6/28
Medium paced 12 miles with Ogliore, last run ever with him (or at least for a while). Ran 7 with him then did lacy the long way then finished up with one last mile around the track. Felt good the whole time, probably averaged under 7's.
Wednesday, 6/27
Medium paced 7 miles.. probably around 6:45 pace. felt good, no pain.
Tuseday, 6/26
Ran a super easy 4 miles. Lacy the long way. At some point I felt a little pain on the inside of my left lower calf. This seems like something that will go away by tomorrow, but I better watch it in any case.
Monday, 6/25
Ran a moderate 8 around the track, turning around every 2 miles. Oddly my legs tightened up each time i stopped to turn around, but were quickly loosened after a lap or two. I ran mostly on the asphalt lining and the track and felt no pain. I didn't have a watch but I'd figure the pace was around 7:00's to start, then steadly increased to 6:40ish, the last mile was probably about 6:00ish.
BTW... for those of you who haven't seen this race yet, this is possibly the coolest race ever...
2007 USATF 1500m
Sunday, 6/24
Today I waited till the late evening to run, 11:30. I left and felt good so I started booking and took my first mile around 6:25ish. I held this up down to the gym and then on down Lombardy. The run went fine and fast, finishing 8 miles at 6:15 pace. I got a little creeped out heading back, in the end part of lombardy where its really dark some caddy passed me really slowly, I half expected gangsters to jump out and have their way with me right there. I started going a little faster though just so they would know I was packing heat... They backed off, losers.
Total miles: 8
More distance and new shoes
Total miles for the week: 53
The plan for this week is once again to throw a few more miles in and hopefully at a slightly faster pace. But mostly just stressing the quantity factor for now. Also I plan to take a few slow runs in the new shoes to break them in and also increase the distance of my 'longer' runs a little from 8-9 to about 10-12. I might hold off on the barefoot running since that may have lead to some of the foot pains I was feeling later last week. Also I need to get a better pair of walking shoes to help with that.
Saturday, 6/23
Got up watched Will Leer's 1500 and Symmonds' 800 heats then decided I had to go out and run several miles now (something I was already planning on anyways). I biked down to the casting pond in the arroyo then started jogging up the trail towards the rose bowl. Continued onwards towards JPL and then up past that towards the waterfall. Got there by about 70 minutes, just keeping everything nice and steady. Jumped in the pool there to cool off before heading back. Turned around and kept going, a little quicker than before now. About two or three miles out of the water fall I began to get really tired and really felt that dehdration was setting on, so I realized that it was either that or drinking out of a stream, risking violent stomach sickness. I chose possible violent stomach sickness, end of that story. 4 or 5 mile painful miles later I was back at the casting pond. This was about 16 miles that I did in about 2:15... I know this is slow... but I was just trying to get done with the run and push any pace. Furthermore, the temperature was probably between 80 and 85 and I still managed to lose 10 lbs during this run... so um yeah... I'm really tired now, but not in capable of running tomrorow or injured.
Friday, 6/22
Took the day off to rest. seemed like a good idea since I was tired and planning on a long run tomorrow.
Thursday, 6/21
Ran a rather easy 4
Wednesday. 6/20
Ran up to JPL and did a few miles on the trails, finished around 7:05 pace, running very negative splits (starting at 7:30's for the first 6 or 7, then jumping to about 6:40's, then finishin the last mile around low 6ish. Felt really good pace wise, and not forced since I really worked into the quickness. There was a little pain on the inside ball of my left foot around 8 or 10 miles, but it went away shortly. ... 12 miles total yay!
Tuesday, 6/19
Super easy 7, thats all, no pain
Monday, 6/18
Ran an easy 5, I think i ran with mark... i don't really remember, I suppose I met him middway through the run... pretty chill pace (7:00ish) , ran the last mile (6:10ish)
Sunday, 6/17
Decided to do a little distance work. I headed up to JPL and faced a lot of indignant comments from the natives on the way up there regarding the color of my skin and the size of my muscles. Came back, running 9 miles in just under 7's.
The plan for this week is once again to throw a few more miles in and hopefully at a slightly faster pace. But mostly just stressing the quantity factor for now. Also I plan to take a few slow runs in the new shoes to break them in and also increase the distance of my 'longer' runs a little from 8-9 to about 10-12. I might hold off on the barefoot running since that may have lead to some of the foot pains I was feeling later last week. Also I need to get a better pair of walking shoes to help with that.
Saturday, 6/23
Got up watched Will Leer's 1500 and Symmonds' 800 heats then decided I had to go out and run several miles now (something I was already planning on anyways). I biked down to the casting pond in the arroyo then started jogging up the trail towards the rose bowl. Continued onwards towards JPL and then up past that towards the waterfall. Got there by about 70 minutes, just keeping everything nice and steady. Jumped in the pool there to cool off before heading back. Turned around and kept going, a little quicker than before now. About two or three miles out of the water fall I began to get really tired and really felt that dehdration was setting on, so I realized that it was either that or drinking out of a stream, risking violent stomach sickness. I chose possible violent stomach sickness, end of that story. 4 or 5 mile painful miles later I was back at the casting pond. This was about 16 miles that I did in about 2:15... I know this is slow... but I was just trying to get done with the run and push any pace. Furthermore, the temperature was probably between 80 and 85 and I still managed to lose 10 lbs during this run... so um yeah... I'm really tired now, but not in capable of running tomrorow or injured.
Friday, 6/22
Took the day off to rest. seemed like a good idea since I was tired and planning on a long run tomorrow.
Thursday, 6/21
Ran a rather easy 4
Wednesday. 6/20
Ran up to JPL and did a few miles on the trails, finished around 7:05 pace, running very negative splits (starting at 7:30's for the first 6 or 7, then jumping to about 6:40's, then finishin the last mile around low 6ish. Felt really good pace wise, and not forced since I really worked into the quickness. There was a little pain on the inside ball of my left foot around 8 or 10 miles, but it went away shortly. ... 12 miles total yay!
Tuesday, 6/19
Super easy 7, thats all, no pain
Monday, 6/18
Ran an easy 5, I think i ran with mark... i don't really remember, I suppose I met him middway through the run... pretty chill pace (7:00ish) , ran the last mile (6:10ish)
Sunday, 6/17
Decided to do a little distance work. I headed up to JPL and faced a lot of indignant comments from the natives on the way up there regarding the color of my skin and the size of my muscles. Came back, running 9 miles in just under 7's.
Some distance
Total miles for the Week: 36.7
The tentative plan for this week is to edge into longer runs and just keep most of them at a very relaxed pace (below 160). Later in the week I'll probably take a 5-6 mile tempo run targeted at 6:00 pace. Other than that, the day-to-day is going to be played by ear.
Saturday, 6/16
Ran up Lake to Wapello st. Came back down. Probably ran slightly slower than 7's for most of the run. I tried not to go too fast on the way down to avoid hurting my shins.
Total miles: 6.7
Friday, 6/15
Took the day off since I was generally feeling tired and my feet were still kinda hurting. I should probably get some new walking shoes too
Thursday, 6/14
Easy 5, feet were kinda hurting from being at work all day. Decided not to run the 10 miles I was planning on since my feet hurt too much from crappy shoes. My new nimbi should be here on monday!
Wednesday, 6/13
Ran an easy 5 miles around the track with Mark. After eight laps Ian joined us and mark decided it was time to turn up the pace from about 7 ish to around 6:20 or 30. This felt a little uncomfortable at first especially since I was barefoot but I held out. After a few laps I got the feeling that Mark was trying ease off, but I wouldn't let that pansy ass crap fly with me... If someone wants to start pushing the pace I'm not going to let him or her bail out mid way. I'm gonna keep pushing until they regret that they started doing it in the first place. Also, to any of you reading this, don't take it as a threat or a challenge, take this as a promise. Anyways, kicked hard on the last lap and felt good.
Tuesday, 6/12
Played a softball game, I suppose that gave me a light upper body workout. Afterwards I left to do a moderate run. Ran lower arroyo with some fartleks. finished in 53:12, 7.75 miles, 6:50ish. Felt fresh at the end and managed to muscle a little kick. Afterwards I was saw Feldman run by, so I chased him down and talked to him for a bit about possibly doing some runs together.
total miles: 7.75
Monday, 6/11
Another easy run, 8.25. Again with the heart rate monitor just to make sure things stayed on the easy side. I should probably order new shoes soon since my good old nimbus seem to be just old now and not so good. Also I'm completely loving the new apartment, anyone should stop by and say hi if you have a chance.
Sunday, 6/10
Ran an easy 4 with the heart rate monitor. Kept it cool, below 150 the whole run. Biked back from UCLA in 94 minutes
The tentative plan for this week is to edge into longer runs and just keep most of them at a very relaxed pace (below 160). Later in the week I'll probably take a 5-6 mile tempo run targeted at 6:00 pace. Other than that, the day-to-day is going to be played by ear.
Saturday, 6/16
Ran up Lake to Wapello st. Came back down. Probably ran slightly slower than 7's for most of the run. I tried not to go too fast on the way down to avoid hurting my shins.
Total miles: 6.7
Friday, 6/15
Took the day off since I was generally feeling tired and my feet were still kinda hurting. I should probably get some new walking shoes too
Thursday, 6/14
Easy 5, feet were kinda hurting from being at work all day. Decided not to run the 10 miles I was planning on since my feet hurt too much from crappy shoes. My new nimbi should be here on monday!
Wednesday, 6/13
Ran an easy 5 miles around the track with Mark. After eight laps Ian joined us and mark decided it was time to turn up the pace from about 7 ish to around 6:20 or 30. This felt a little uncomfortable at first especially since I was barefoot but I held out. After a few laps I got the feeling that Mark was trying ease off, but I wouldn't let that pansy ass crap fly with me... If someone wants to start pushing the pace I'm not going to let him or her bail out mid way. I'm gonna keep pushing until they regret that they started doing it in the first place. Also, to any of you reading this, don't take it as a threat or a challenge, take this as a promise. Anyways, kicked hard on the last lap and felt good.
Tuesday, 6/12
Played a softball game, I suppose that gave me a light upper body workout. Afterwards I left to do a moderate run. Ran lower arroyo with some fartleks. finished in 53:12, 7.75 miles, 6:50ish. Felt fresh at the end and managed to muscle a little kick. Afterwards I was saw Feldman run by, so I chased him down and talked to him for a bit about possibly doing some runs together.
total miles: 7.75
Monday, 6/11
Another easy run, 8.25. Again with the heart rate monitor just to make sure things stayed on the easy side. I should probably order new shoes soon since my good old nimbus seem to be just old now and not so good. Also I'm completely loving the new apartment, anyone should stop by and say hi if you have a chance.
Sunday, 6/10
Ran an easy 4 with the heart rate monitor. Kept it cool, below 150 the whole run. Biked back from UCLA in 94 minutes
Into the groove
Miles for the week: 24.6
Saturday, 6/9
Heavy lifting, moved all day, ate nothing. Lost several pounds. Biked to UCLA in my quickest time ever, 80 minutes. I was going about 23 mph or so most of the time that I was moving. Was freiken hungry when I got there and to no surprise, when I weighed my self a few days later I was a few pounds lighter.
Friday, 6/8
Beer mile
Thursday, 6/7
Took the day off.... tons of work
Wednesday, 6/6
Ran quickly around the track... started slow (6:40ish)... sped up (6:15)ish... had to poo... slowed down (6:45ish).... pooed.... sped up again.. alot (5:30ish)... finished a total of 7 miles in 43:30 pace = 6:12. The run didn't feel forced at all and everything felt smooth. Didn't lift since I was feeling tired. On a lighter note I feel that despite that I'm feeling quick I also feel like I'm getting fat, which means either healthier eating or more mileage. I suppose I'll just wait and let the mileage come, and eat a little healthier.
Total Miles: 7
Tuesday, 6/5
Decided to take a run late in the evening. At about 10p.m. I went around the track. Started out going about a high 6 or low 7 for the first mile, then did the next two around 6:20 pace finishing 3 miles in less than 19:30ish. Then I turned around and ran the other direction for two miles finishing in about 10:20ish. Ran an extra 2 laps cool down. I felt really good and didn't really feel like I was working too hard at any point. I felt a little pain for about one lap in my lower left shin.
After that I went to the weight room: shoulders, pull-ups, squats, triceps, rows, lat pull downs, bench press, curls, leg press, calf raises, and lastly I did my killer ab workout. Got my friend Chris Daeffler to join me for the ab workout, but he only made it through the first two of six sets.
Total Miles: 5.5
Monday, 6/4
Ran first thing in the morning (noon), did Huntingson, coming back up Oak knoll. Took the same strategy as yesterday, starting out at a slower pace then slowly working into something that felt more comfortable. This really seems to be something that works for maintaining a quick pace. It was a little hot today, I should try to drink more water in the coming days. Finished the run in 34:30, 5.2 miles, 6:36 pace.
After running I swam 8 laps as a cool down, using only my arms. In the coming weeks I wanna work this up to swimming about 20 or 25 laps.
Lastly I lifted for a little bit, but cut it short since my left shoulder felt a little sore. I just did pull-ups, dips, curls, and calf raises.
Total Miles: 5.2
Sunday, 6/3
A few hours after getting up I ran garfield the long way. I started out with the plan to take the first mile slow and just work into a nice quick pace by the end of the run. After about 1 1/2 miles I was moving pretty quickly, from starting out around 7:30 - 8:00 pace down to about 6:30 or slightly faster. This really didn't seem too forced and I managed to only feel like I was working for about the last mile or so of the run. There wasn't any pain but I need to remember to stay on the grass when possible to save my knees and such. Finished the run in 36:16, 6:24 pace, 5.65 miles.
After running I jumped in the pool with Kangway and some lloydies for a bit and swam a few laps. It felt really refreshing to do this, but I'll have to check back with my body tomorrow to see what the longer term effect of this is (such as during tomorrow's run).
Finally, I did some weights, nothing too intensive. On the bench I hit 1 set at 105, another at 125, and a burnout of 70 reps. I also did sets of pull-ups, dips, lat pull-downs, rows, and tricep curls. Lastly I did my killer ab workout. While it is rather isometric it really does a number on building strong abs and hitting them everywhere, the top, bottom and sides.
Overall this was probably one of the best feeling total workouts I've had in a while. Endorphin High!
Total miles: 5.65
Saturday, 6/9
Heavy lifting, moved all day, ate nothing. Lost several pounds. Biked to UCLA in my quickest time ever, 80 minutes. I was going about 23 mph or so most of the time that I was moving. Was freiken hungry when I got there and to no surprise, when I weighed my self a few days later I was a few pounds lighter.
Friday, 6/8
Beer mile
Thursday, 6/7
Took the day off.... tons of work
Wednesday, 6/6
Ran quickly around the track... started slow (6:40ish)... sped up (6:15)ish... had to poo... slowed down (6:45ish).... pooed.... sped up again.. alot (5:30ish)... finished a total of 7 miles in 43:30 pace = 6:12. The run didn't feel forced at all and everything felt smooth. Didn't lift since I was feeling tired. On a lighter note I feel that despite that I'm feeling quick I also feel like I'm getting fat, which means either healthier eating or more mileage. I suppose I'll just wait and let the mileage come, and eat a little healthier.
Total Miles: 7
Tuesday, 6/5
Decided to take a run late in the evening. At about 10p.m. I went around the track. Started out going about a high 6 or low 7 for the first mile, then did the next two around 6:20 pace finishing 3 miles in less than 19:30ish. Then I turned around and ran the other direction for two miles finishing in about 10:20ish. Ran an extra 2 laps cool down. I felt really good and didn't really feel like I was working too hard at any point. I felt a little pain for about one lap in my lower left shin.
After that I went to the weight room: shoulders, pull-ups, squats, triceps, rows, lat pull downs, bench press, curls, leg press, calf raises, and lastly I did my killer ab workout. Got my friend Chris Daeffler to join me for the ab workout, but he only made it through the first two of six sets.
Total Miles: 5.5
Monday, 6/4
Ran first thing in the morning (noon), did Huntingson, coming back up Oak knoll. Took the same strategy as yesterday, starting out at a slower pace then slowly working into something that felt more comfortable. This really seems to be something that works for maintaining a quick pace. It was a little hot today, I should try to drink more water in the coming days. Finished the run in 34:30, 5.2 miles, 6:36 pace.
After running I swam 8 laps as a cool down, using only my arms. In the coming weeks I wanna work this up to swimming about 20 or 25 laps.
Lastly I lifted for a little bit, but cut it short since my left shoulder felt a little sore. I just did pull-ups, dips, curls, and calf raises.
Total Miles: 5.2
Sunday, 6/3
A few hours after getting up I ran garfield the long way. I started out with the plan to take the first mile slow and just work into a nice quick pace by the end of the run. After about 1 1/2 miles I was moving pretty quickly, from starting out around 7:30 - 8:00 pace down to about 6:30 or slightly faster. This really didn't seem too forced and I managed to only feel like I was working for about the last mile or so of the run. There wasn't any pain but I need to remember to stay on the grass when possible to save my knees and such. Finished the run in 36:16, 6:24 pace, 5.65 miles.
After running I jumped in the pool with Kangway and some lloydies for a bit and swam a few laps. It felt really refreshing to do this, but I'll have to check back with my body tomorrow to see what the longer term effect of this is (such as during tomorrow's run).
Finally, I did some weights, nothing too intensive. On the bench I hit 1 set at 105, another at 125, and a burnout of 70 reps. I also did sets of pull-ups, dips, lat pull-downs, rows, and tricep curls. Lastly I did my killer ab workout. While it is rather isometric it really does a number on building strong abs and hitting them everywhere, the top, bottom and sides.
Overall this was probably one of the best feeling total workouts I've had in a while. Endorphin High!
Total miles: 5.65
Running again
Started the week off avoiding running. Did chantry on monday with garrett and lifted heavy on tuesday for 1 1/2 hours. I felt really sore after the lifting since I did a burnout on bench press of 100 reps, ouch!
Friday 6/1
This was my first day running again after 15 days off. I started out just to do lacy the long way and ran it in 23:40. This running at 5:55 pace was somewhat, I suppose I should take a week or two at a much slower pace: 6:30 - 7:10... I kinda just wanted to see what I could do. Nothing intersting happened except for getting abducted by an alien spacecraft in the middle of the run and being probed in ways that aren't appropraite to retell here. Then I went and lifted for a while but didn't push it since i figured my muscles would be plenty sore from the run.
Total miles: 4
In other news, Katherine and I got approved for the place on Wilson... I suppose we'll decide if we want to move in there within a couple of days.
Saturday, 6/2
Woke up and ran a medium hard 3 miles right away. Did OCA to sierra madre and san pasqual and back. The run felt a little forced today, but i felt good getting it out of the way first thing in the morning (if you can consider 12:30 p.m. morning). As I ran back up Holliston I think that the mailman checked me out (jk). The pace was kinda quick 6:20 ish...
Total miles: 3
Miles for the week: 7 (but only 2 days)
Friday 6/1
This was my first day running again after 15 days off. I started out just to do lacy the long way and ran it in 23:40. This running at 5:55 pace was somewhat, I suppose I should take a week or two at a much slower pace: 6:30 - 7:10... I kinda just wanted to see what I could do. Nothing intersting happened except for getting abducted by an alien spacecraft in the middle of the run and being probed in ways that aren't appropraite to retell here. Then I went and lifted for a while but didn't push it since i figured my muscles would be plenty sore from the run.
Total miles: 4
In other news, Katherine and I got approved for the place on Wilson... I suppose we'll decide if we want to move in there within a couple of days.
Saturday, 6/2
Woke up and ran a medium hard 3 miles right away. Did OCA to sierra madre and san pasqual and back. The run felt a little forced today, but i felt good getting it out of the way first thing in the morning (if you can consider 12:30 p.m. morning). As I ran back up Holliston I think that the mailman checked me out (jk). The pace was kinda quick 6:20 ish...
Total miles: 3
Miles for the week: 7 (but only 2 days)
Extreme City Cycling
I've embarked on a new sport that is a combination of road biking and driving like a maniac. I call it "Extreme City Cycling." The premise of the sport is that I ride my bike as fast through the city to avoid the numerous hazards on the road and just try to stay alive. I steer away from the pot holes the cracks, manuever around red lights, charge through the yellows, hide from cars (parked and unparked), and when necessary I give and denizen of L.A. the finger for cutting me off or honking their fucking horn. The streets suck and the drivers are retarded and do be completely honest this isn't really an innovation at all, its just me trying to survive. In short is it that difficult for the drivers of LA to be semi-polite to cyclists. Thats a rant
In other news I biked to UCLA to visit some friends, took about 90 minutes both ways, averaging around 18 mph. It was rather relaxing and nice to get away from tech.
Lastly, Yesterday was the first day of nationals...
1500 Meter Run
Round 1, Heat 1
1 Will Leer, Sr, Pomona-Pitzer 4:03.16Q
2 Ian London, Sr, Colby College 4:03.60Q
3 Brian Harvey, So, Carnegie Mellon 4:03.75Q
4 Brian McConnell, So, Elmhurst College 4:03.83Q
5 Kyle Stangel, Sr, Wisconsin Platteville 4:03.85q
6 Ryan Carrigan, Fr, North Central College 4:06.95
7 Patrick Donovan, Sr, Elizabethtown College 4:08.09
8 Joe Francisco, Sr, Widener University 4:09.51
9 Noah Lopez, Sr, Albion College 4:10.70
Round 1, Heat 2
1 Brian Butzler, So, Wisconsin Whitewater 3:56.89Q
2 Mike Flint, Sr, Coast Guard Academy 3:58.41Q
3 Mike Davitian, Sr, Williams College 3:58.53Q
4 Davey Quinn, Sr, Carnegie Mellon 3:58.57Q
5 Ryan TerLouw, Sr, Hope College 3:58.58q
6 Emil Bojanov, Sr, University of Chicago 4:00.97q
7 Travis Wray, Jr, Lynchburg College 4:01.64q
8 Julio Vieyra, Sr, Willamette University 4:16.82
talk about slow! This must have been a race for the kickers, but we'll have to look up a review to know for sure.
In other news I biked to UCLA to visit some friends, took about 90 minutes both ways, averaging around 18 mph. It was rather relaxing and nice to get away from tech.
Lastly, Yesterday was the first day of nationals...
1500 Meter Run
Round 1, Heat 1
1 Will Leer, Sr, Pomona-Pitzer 4:03.16Q
2 Ian London, Sr, Colby College 4:03.60Q
3 Brian Harvey, So, Carnegie Mellon 4:03.75Q
4 Brian McConnell, So, Elmhurst College 4:03.83Q
5 Kyle Stangel, Sr, Wisconsin Platteville 4:03.85q
6 Ryan Carrigan, Fr, North Central College 4:06.95
7 Patrick Donovan, Sr, Elizabethtown College 4:08.09
8 Joe Francisco, Sr, Widener University 4:09.51
9 Noah Lopez, Sr, Albion College 4:10.70
Round 1, Heat 2
1 Brian Butzler, So, Wisconsin Whitewater 3:56.89Q
2 Mike Flint, Sr, Coast Guard Academy 3:58.41Q
3 Mike Davitian, Sr, Williams College 3:58.53Q
4 Davey Quinn, Sr, Carnegie Mellon 3:58.57Q
5 Ryan TerLouw, Sr, Hope College 3:58.58q
6 Emil Bojanov, Sr, University of Chicago 4:00.97q
7 Travis Wray, Jr, Lynchburg College 4:01.64q
8 Julio Vieyra, Sr, Willamette University 4:16.82
talk about slow! This must have been a race for the kickers, but we'll have to look up a review to know for sure.
Today I went to the gym at 10 and was happy to see that there was just about nobody there. I lifted like there was no tomorrow, which there might not be if a giant comet collides with the earth. I started off with pull-ups and dips (3 sets of 10 each, 15 dips the last time). Then did calf raises (90 lbs), squats (bar), shoulders (10 lbs), curls (60 lb bar), leg press (180 lbs, 3 x sets of 20), Rows (65 lbs), bench press (bar, 1 set of 70 reps in 90 sec). Followed by 20 minutes of light cycling.
Overall this feels like a ride down a sweet road of mental recovery, not having to constantly think about running and racing.
The preseason XC meeting was today, in some ways i'm disappointed with certain runners not being there. But on the other hand, I'm very pleased with all the runners that did manage to make it to the meeting.
Ian put another flower on my bike, I need to get him back, maybe a venus fly trap?
Overall this feels like a ride down a sweet road of mental recovery, not having to constantly think about running and racing.
The preseason XC meeting was today, in some ways i'm disappointed with certain runners not being there. But on the other hand, I'm very pleased with all the runners that did manage to make it to the meeting.
Ian put another flower on my bike, I need to get him back, maybe a venus fly trap?
The Plan
The first step in setting up my plan for the next (several) year(s) of training is to assess my goal(s) . Only once I know exactly what I want to receive out of my training can I go about setting up a long term strategy to manifest them.
The Goals
1. Find out how fast I can go for 1500m and in the 800m.
2. Run a decent 5k
3. Find out how far I can run.
To those of you (megumi) who are reading this I beg you to at first understand that I have left these goals somewhat vague for a reason and that the time period with which I expect to achieve them is as long as it takes. I understand that the first goal on this list may take 3 or 4 more years and if that is so then that is what i'm willing to give. If more, I am prepared. Furthermore, my aspiration to run my fastest 800m possible may root from the days when I ceased to envision myself as a miler, but I would really credit that to my desire to be a well rounded middle distance runner who can hold his own with both the sprinters and the distance junkies of track and field. Secondly, as many people may know I have a blemished record of 5000m races. Only one such track race bears my name in the results with a pathetic time topping just over 17 minutes (a time I have undoubtedly beaten on the way to many 8k race finishes). Part of this is a vengeance towards that one bad race (clearly). Part is me knowing that its just another component of a middle distance runner's repertoire. The last goal is something to truly be saved for the future once I feel I have run as many 60 second laps as possible. I suppose thats all I'll say about number three for now.
The Running Path
I sit here typing this in the last week of May, 2007, having nearly taken a full week off of running and not being able to remember the last time I've ever done something this extreme, Rest!. But as Ian noted it is necessary. NCAA division III nationals are taking place this weekend, shortly after which I will ease back into training for 52 weeks. While 52 weeks may be a runner's typical way of embodying one year, in my mind it is more appropriately 31, 556, 926 moments. Each moment being a step on a run, a though about running, or researching training. And it seems so rarely that a moment passes which is not occupied by one of those three activities. Thus these weeks of physical (and mental) recovery seem necessary to my preparation to prepare for the coming season.
The first week back will be easy, about 30 miles with my longest run topping 8 miles. Following this I will build both mileage and my long runs quickly and within a few weeks (tentatively) have long runs of about 14-18 miles on weeks of 50-60. This will be maintained through most of July on a pure basis of feel. Following this period I will of accustoming my body to high mileage I will once again increase the mileage to 70-80 miles and settle here till the start of pre-season.
However, every experienced runner knows that distance is only a fraction of the detail that makes up the run of every single day. Other important aspects are pace, effort, rest, cross-training, stretching, and much much more. To be consistent the idea that I've held the past few years remains constant: run by feel. If I feel good run fast, otherwise run slower and ease up. However, there are some minor adjustments that I will make to this basic strategy. Primarily no run is particularly hard the whole way. Rather each run begins slow like the most enjoyable run of your life, through a meadow with bunny rabbits and lolly pops. Secondly, the method of effort is fartleks, these can vary in duration and effort but are meant to make every run something of a workout that is not in vain. Lastly, listen to my body. As most runner's know (and like to ignore), no amount of expensive equipment or team of physical therapist or advice from other runner's can ever tell one what is the best training for oneself. Rather our very own body can communicate with our mind to dictate how we are feeling. This happens on a most basic level that many runners decide to think they can beat it mentally. It seems to be similar to touching a stove. When you're body tells you to pull your hand away, you pull your hand away. Running is in fact no different. When a body pleads for rest, you pull back and have an easy day, or even an off day. But on the many days in between you might be lucky enough to settle into that perfect pace where you amaze yourself at the ease with which you have just turned over 10 miles at sub 6 pace . And it is then that you may truly be a runner. I may have digressed from my original plan, but I believe that the outline is clear.
The Reasons
With any activity that has ever been pursued whether it be climbing Everest or making dinner, there is the ensuing dismal question: why? The answer to this question is something that is difficult and the myriad of reasons given by runners are often all the same:
1. Nirvana
2. Staying in shape
3. They think the offbeat road of running is something that typifies them.
Sadly, at this point in my life I'm still not sure but have developed a few explanations that seem to justify running to me. First off there is nothing spiritual about running to me. At times I question if I like the sport let alone love it. The only thing that has kept me running is the raw desire to be faster and better. In this I find meaning, to know that I've done good at the end of the day and am working towards a goal. But I also walk away from a great P.R. race knowing that there were places I could have improved and possibly gone 1 or 2 seconds faster. But that is exactly what running is, an addiction. Always knowing that we can squeeze one more second out of 3 3/4 laps and sitting there looking for it all over the track. That is how some of my workouts take place. Circling the track thinking of how this will become a race in a few short days. How I will prepare myself completely mentally and physically to test the limits of my long sprint aerobic system.
Running, unfortunately, is one of the only sports that I feel can definitely determine an athletes level of fitness and improvement over time. In that aspect it is so pure and wholesome. The only challenge that a runner faces is his own body. His mind tells him to stop. The muscles whine and ache. They tighten and scream. But the runner keeps moving. There is nothing fighting any runner except the body. Its such a well matched competition that a race hardly needs competition, one man alone might be entertaining to watch as he races himself. This is in fact the reason that I believe the ancient Greeks competed nude. While I don't stand to suggest that we run nude today, it seems to really display the purity of running as a competition between man and body. My reason to run is to conquer my body every time I race it.
The Other Aspects
Lastly, the training I will do cannot stand alone. It must be accompanied by a full service of other outlets. In my mind there is a three pronged attack to which a runner can use the knife of running to attack racing. First off is the mental support: literature. Reading while provide not only inspiration but training ideas to assist my efforts. Second: Cross training. Physically exhausting myself running for months at a time will also mentally exhaust myself. Thus it is necessary that at times running be supplemented by cycling, weight lifting, and, at times, swimming (so long as I don't drown). Lastly: social. A second build of mental support is the social component that relies on a community of running. This means, running with others, talking with others about running. At times this will even mean to talk to other people about things other than running.
The Final Notes
The summation of this plan is not quite clear yet and this is just an outline for what is to come. However, the biggest change I feel that needs to take place is an increase my endurance. Coming into this year 64's felt a rather comfortable pace for the mile. At the close of the year it came that my slowest lap at Oxy was 64 seconds for my third lap (final time = 3:56.2). One short term goal is to change that by 2 seconds so that my comfort range for 1500m is 62 seconds per lap. I think from my 400 and 800 ability it goes without saying that speed is the least of my problems for the time being. Rather I need full throttle effort to take my endurance to a new level and catapult my running to my ends.
The Goals
1. Find out how fast I can go for 1500m and in the 800m.
2. Run a decent 5k
3. Find out how far I can run.
To those of you (megumi) who are reading this I beg you to at first understand that I have left these goals somewhat vague for a reason and that the time period with which I expect to achieve them is as long as it takes. I understand that the first goal on this list may take 3 or 4 more years and if that is so then that is what i'm willing to give. If more, I am prepared. Furthermore, my aspiration to run my fastest 800m possible may root from the days when I ceased to envision myself as a miler, but I would really credit that to my desire to be a well rounded middle distance runner who can hold his own with both the sprinters and the distance junkies of track and field. Secondly, as many people may know I have a blemished record of 5000m races. Only one such track race bears my name in the results with a pathetic time topping just over 17 minutes (a time I have undoubtedly beaten on the way to many 8k race finishes). Part of this is a vengeance towards that one bad race (clearly). Part is me knowing that its just another component of a middle distance runner's repertoire. The last goal is something to truly be saved for the future once I feel I have run as many 60 second laps as possible. I suppose thats all I'll say about number three for now.
The Running Path
I sit here typing this in the last week of May, 2007, having nearly taken a full week off of running and not being able to remember the last time I've ever done something this extreme, Rest!. But as Ian noted it is necessary. NCAA division III nationals are taking place this weekend, shortly after which I will ease back into training for 52 weeks. While 52 weeks may be a runner's typical way of embodying one year, in my mind it is more appropriately 31, 556, 926 moments. Each moment being a step on a run, a though about running, or researching training. And it seems so rarely that a moment passes which is not occupied by one of those three activities. Thus these weeks of physical (and mental) recovery seem necessary to my preparation to prepare for the coming season.
The first week back will be easy, about 30 miles with my longest run topping 8 miles. Following this I will build both mileage and my long runs quickly and within a few weeks (tentatively) have long runs of about 14-18 miles on weeks of 50-60. This will be maintained through most of July on a pure basis of feel. Following this period I will of accustoming my body to high mileage I will once again increase the mileage to 70-80 miles and settle here till the start of pre-season.
However, every experienced runner knows that distance is only a fraction of the detail that makes up the run of every single day. Other important aspects are pace, effort, rest, cross-training, stretching, and much much more. To be consistent the idea that I've held the past few years remains constant: run by feel. If I feel good run fast, otherwise run slower and ease up. However, there are some minor adjustments that I will make to this basic strategy. Primarily no run is particularly hard the whole way. Rather each run begins slow like the most enjoyable run of your life, through a meadow with bunny rabbits and lolly pops. Secondly, the method of effort is fartleks, these can vary in duration and effort but are meant to make every run something of a workout that is not in vain. Lastly, listen to my body. As most runner's know (and like to ignore), no amount of expensive equipment or team of physical therapist or advice from other runner's can ever tell one what is the best training for oneself. Rather our very own body can communicate with our mind to dictate how we are feeling. This happens on a most basic level that many runners decide to think they can beat it mentally. It seems to be similar to touching a stove. When you're body tells you to pull your hand away, you pull your hand away. Running is in fact no different. When a body pleads for rest, you pull back and have an easy day, or even an off day. But on the many days in between you might be lucky enough to settle into that perfect pace where you amaze yourself at the ease with which you have just turned over 10 miles at sub 6 pace . And it is then that you may truly be a runner. I may have digressed from my original plan, but I believe that the outline is clear.
The Reasons
With any activity that has ever been pursued whether it be climbing Everest or making dinner, there is the ensuing dismal question: why? The answer to this question is something that is difficult and the myriad of reasons given by runners are often all the same:
1. Nirvana
2. Staying in shape
3. They think the offbeat road of running is something that typifies them.
Sadly, at this point in my life I'm still not sure but have developed a few explanations that seem to justify running to me. First off there is nothing spiritual about running to me. At times I question if I like the sport let alone love it. The only thing that has kept me running is the raw desire to be faster and better. In this I find meaning, to know that I've done good at the end of the day and am working towards a goal. But I also walk away from a great P.R. race knowing that there were places I could have improved and possibly gone 1 or 2 seconds faster. But that is exactly what running is, an addiction. Always knowing that we can squeeze one more second out of 3 3/4 laps and sitting there looking for it all over the track. That is how some of my workouts take place. Circling the track thinking of how this will become a race in a few short days. How I will prepare myself completely mentally and physically to test the limits of my long sprint aerobic system.
Running, unfortunately, is one of the only sports that I feel can definitely determine an athletes level of fitness and improvement over time. In that aspect it is so pure and wholesome. The only challenge that a runner faces is his own body. His mind tells him to stop. The muscles whine and ache. They tighten and scream. But the runner keeps moving. There is nothing fighting any runner except the body. Its such a well matched competition that a race hardly needs competition, one man alone might be entertaining to watch as he races himself. This is in fact the reason that I believe the ancient Greeks competed nude. While I don't stand to suggest that we run nude today, it seems to really display the purity of running as a competition between man and body. My reason to run is to conquer my body every time I race it.
The Other Aspects
Lastly, the training I will do cannot stand alone. It must be accompanied by a full service of other outlets. In my mind there is a three pronged attack to which a runner can use the knife of running to attack racing. First off is the mental support: literature. Reading while provide not only inspiration but training ideas to assist my efforts. Second: Cross training. Physically exhausting myself running for months at a time will also mentally exhaust myself. Thus it is necessary that at times running be supplemented by cycling, weight lifting, and, at times, swimming (so long as I don't drown). Lastly: social. A second build of mental support is the social component that relies on a community of running. This means, running with others, talking with others about running. At times this will even mean to talk to other people about things other than running.
The Final Notes
The summation of this plan is not quite clear yet and this is just an outline for what is to come. However, the biggest change I feel that needs to take place is an increase my endurance. Coming into this year 64's felt a rather comfortable pace for the mile. At the close of the year it came that my slowest lap at Oxy was 64 seconds for my third lap (final time = 3:56.2). One short term goal is to change that by 2 seconds so that my comfort range for 1500m is 62 seconds per lap. I think from my 400 and 800 ability it goes without saying that speed is the least of my problems for the time being. Rather I need full throttle effort to take my endurance to a new level and catapult my running to my ends.
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