
Feeling Fat

Despite a lack in weight gain, I've spent the last few weeks considering the importance of weight for a middle/long distance runner. How significant are those 10 extra pounds and how strenuous of measures should we take to lose them. Currently I sit at 160 lbs (at most) and have since my freshman year (before which I was 150 at most). Given the effort I'm putting into my running, it seems natural that I put forth a little extra effort in this area of life in order to form myself into a better runner. Thus the general goal is for me to drop weight to where I am consistently below 150 lbs. First and fore most I am giving up alcohol until I achieve this. Secondly I will have to make changes to my diet. While I of course know what a healthy diet is, I'm not quite sure what will help to drop a few more pounds. This is where I need help in knowing what to do (let alone reassurement that any of this is necessary). Let me know what you think.

Thursday, 8/23
Regardless of whether I decide to really try to watch my caloric intake, over the next few weeks I'm going to attempt to log my diet and keep track of how well I am eating. Matt's Food log.



Miles: 73

80 Miles this week, 1 tempo workout.

Sunday, 8/19
Ran 10 miles up at the Monrovia dam, transportation courteous of katherine (thanks). Felt tired by the end since I did several miles of hills.

In the evening I did a rather quick 3 with Ian before finishing off with another 3 in San Marino. In case none of you knew, San Marino gets really fucking dark at night.

Monday, 8/20
Ran 9 miles, Lower + Ian loop. Took it kinda slow in preparation of an intended long day tomorrow with about 4-5 miles of tempo.

Tuesday, 8/21
Ran down to the arroyo via the south pas. route for a nice tempo run. I stopped by the baseball diamonds for quick weight loss via my ass then trotted to the start of the Ian loops for the guts and nuts of the run. Without much hesitation i began the workout: 3 laps, hard but not too wearing. I went out for the first few hundred meters relatively conservative, hesitant of the mistake I made of going out too fast last week. I had also made it my plan to have four places to check the watch and monitor my progress: 1) the first bridge 2) the second bridge 3) the casting pond 4) the start/finish. Unfortunately, when I got to the first bridge I nearly stopped the workout altogether when I realized that I hadn't even started my watch. In turn I remembered that to the second bridge is roughly 5 minutes. So I decided to start my watch there and just add on five minutes. When I got back to the start my watch read 4:45 (9:45 for the first lap). By the time I got back to the second bridge I was at 9:10 for the first timed lap. Back to the start my watch read 13:48 (18:48, this is where I stopped last week, too tired to continue). Hauling on I came by the second bridge reading 18:10 (23:10). Lastly I came to the finish reading 22:40 (27:40).

Personally, right now I'm really pleased with this time for 8k-ish. Theres still a lot to factor in: proper shoes, better-warm up, race atmosphere, and taper. While some of which would affect me positively others would affect me negatively. Either way this workout left me feeling strong and confident about this coming season and the training I've done so far.

I finished up running full arroyo for a total of 15 miles for the day.

Wednesday, 8/22
Patrician + NF laps for 12 miles in all. Took it slow at a nice recovery pace, felt good.

Thursday, 8/23
Felt good and well rested in the a.m. after 10 hours of sleep. Decided it was still probably a good idea to just run an easy 7 or 8 today.

Ran Huntingson and followed it up with a few laps to round out to 7 miles.

Friday, 8/24
Ran some with mark at some hills. Maybe four miles if i'm lucky.

Saturday, 8/25
An easy 10


Lazy Week

Mileage for the week: 50

This week I'm back in pasadena and rollin like a gangsta. The plan over this week is to keep things mostly easy and maybe throw in a tempo run and just get a little rested up before I kick things up a notch next week.

Sunday, 8/12
Biked 40 some miles to Julie's house. Did some talking with Grant and Garrett 'bout some electronic stuff, teaching them to use this toy Julie bought them. Got a ride home.

Monday, 8/13
Ran an easy 9

Tuesday, 8/14
Ran straight down California to the arroyo, very chill. I stretched and started a tempo. Started out too fast, and ended stopping early :( .. Did two laps in about 18:50 ... of course I was counting in my head so this might be a little inaccurate

Wednesday, 8/15
Ran 10 with mark, good distance, bad speed. We probably ran the first 4 at about 6:20 pace or quicker. Once we got a little ways into the arroyo we chilled out until we hit green where things sped up again. I sprinted back at supersonic speeds to shit.


Friday, 8/17
Wend up to Chantry and ran towards the helipad with mark Ian and Garret. We continued on a trail that apparently goes all the way up to wilson. I suppose this might be a good distance run for a nice trying day of pain and self-loathing. We probably did about 7 in all.

Saturday, 8/18
Ran 13 in the morning. I started off a little dehydrated and all around tired since I hadn't slept too well. I essentially stumbled through most of these miles. I stopped twice to drink massive amounts of water. And still finished the run at 150 pounds (about 8 pounds under normal). I might throw in a few quick miles in the evening

Finished off with a few more miles then a hard one on the track (5:15).


Home Turf II

Total miles: 66

This week I plan to up the miles a little more and up the intensity a tiny bit. This is a big jump for either one though, just small increases in both, especially since I feel my intensity is a little lacking lately.

Sunday, 8/5
Today I was up in Sonora, Ca, fishing with Ma and Pa Kiesz (my parents). Too bad there was nothing over four or five inches in the lake.... I must have caught nearly 10 or 11 guppies though... and this was without even trying.... The damn things were annoyingly biting as quick as I could bait the line and cast it in the water... Following their stupidity to repeatedly bite the hook, I would try to get them off as quickly as possible and send them back in the water before Ma could get a picture... Got home late and tired, didn't run...

Monday, 8/6
Got up and did a crossword for a few with Pa. Ran 2 miles all on my own... then 10 more with Jeff Merrill... We went slow at first then worked into a tempo... After a while of this we had to run on some railroad tracks over a bridge, so we slowed down for a mile or so.... At one point I said "train" and Jeff said "where".... yeah, those UMich guys are kinda dumb... oh well... After geting past the tracks we worked back into a tempo of about 6 minute pace and bounced around there for about 3 miles then broke into about 5:20 ish pace for the last mile.

In the evening I went out and did an easy 3 and finished the last mile with a few fartleks as I followed my Ma and Pa on their bikes.

Tuesday, 8/7
Ran 8 miles late in the evening. The run hurt because I had to shit.

Wednesday, 8/8
Ran 14.5 miles in the morning. My shins started to hurt a little at some point and my quads were coming and going as far as pain goes. The pace was rather steady at 6:50ish.

Dead things I saw in this run: 2 skunks, 3 'possums, 1 dog (or maybe a coyote)....

In the evening I took another short run. I ran to the H.S. and did some striders. Then coming home some punks (damn kids) called me a faggot and told me to get some new running shorts.... I tried to catch up an punch him in the face but he was in one of those new fangle horse-less carriages. About 200m later some jack-ass had his car parked through the driveway, blocking the sidewalk and into the street. This really pissed me off because of the safety issue it poses to both runners and cyclists along with pedestrians and little kids who have to go into the busy street to get around this car... So in the high testosterone angry state I was already in I slapped the car really hard so that the owner inside the house would hear and stop being such a son of a bitch. A 1/4 mile later I was at the last stoplight before my house when some broad completely eye fucked me, giving me the double glance with a long second look at a stop light. I ran past the light and in front of the school nearby where it was some back-to-school night shit with all the parents coming to see what their kids aren't going to learn this year. Coming past the school theres some young punk, about 25, with his wife who he probably knocked up 7 years ago to have a shotgun wedding, walking towards me. I move to one side to give them some space but that fucking son of a bitch in his sun glasses and black hat doesn't move. He eyes me like he's a real tough mother fucker, and by now I'm not really all that happy. So I just stand my ground and as I run past him I push my elbow a little wider to give him a nice sweaty side of Matt Kiesz. This run was about 4 miles to wrap up 18.5 mile day.

Thursday, 8/8
Ran my old long run (8.5 miles)... it felt depressingly short, but easy.

Friday, 8/9
My long awaited return to SoCal was today. The air looks like gray shit and the humidity is high. I didn't run.

Saturday, 8/10
Got up, ran 9. I'm beginning to feel tired and like this training is taking a toll on me. I'll probably do another medium run later this evening of about the same distance. Its a good thing next week is an easy week

Did 7 more in the evening and threw in a few crazy fartleks of about 5:30-6:00 pace for about 1 mile each. Felt dandy, and was pleasantly surprised since I had been so tired earlier.