
More distance and new shoes

Total miles for the week: 53

The plan for this week is once again to throw a few more miles in and hopefully at a slightly faster pace. But mostly just stressing the quantity factor for now. Also I plan to take a few slow runs in the new shoes to break them in and also increase the distance of my 'longer' runs a little from 8-9 to about 10-12. I might hold off on the barefoot running since that may have lead to some of the foot pains I was feeling later last week. Also I need to get a better pair of walking shoes to help with that.

Saturday, 6/23
Got up watched Will Leer's 1500 and Symmonds' 800 heats then decided I had to go out and run several miles now (something I was already planning on anyways). I biked down to the casting pond in the arroyo then started jogging up the trail towards the rose bowl. Continued onwards towards JPL and then up past that towards the waterfall. Got there by about 70 minutes, just keeping everything nice and steady. Jumped in the pool there to cool off before heading back. Turned around and kept going, a little quicker than before now. About two or three miles out of the water fall I began to get really tired and really felt that dehdration was setting on, so I realized that it was either that or drinking out of a stream, risking violent stomach sickness. I chose possible violent stomach sickness, end of that story. 4 or 5 mile painful miles later I was back at the casting pond. This was about 16 miles that I did in about 2:15... I know this is slow... but I was just trying to get done with the run and push any pace. Furthermore, the temperature was probably between 80 and 85 and I still managed to lose 10 lbs during this run... so um yeah... I'm really tired now, but not in capable of running tomrorow or injured.

Friday, 6/22
Took the day off to rest. seemed like a good idea since I was tired and planning on a long run tomorrow.

Thursday, 6/21
Ran a rather easy 4

Wednesday. 6/20
Ran up to JPL and did a few miles on the trails, finished around 7:05 pace, running very negative splits (starting at 7:30's for the first 6 or 7, then jumping to about 6:40's, then finishin the last mile around low 6ish. Felt really good pace wise, and not forced since I really worked into the quickness. There was a little pain on the inside ball of my left foot around 8 or 10 miles, but it went away shortly. ... 12 miles total yay!

Tuesday, 6/19
Super easy 7, thats all, no pain

Monday, 6/18
Ran an easy 5, I think i ran with mark... i don't really remember, I suppose I met him middway through the run... pretty chill pace (7:00ish) , ran the last mile (6:10ish)

Sunday, 6/17
Decided to do a little distance work. I headed up to JPL and faced a lot of indignant comments from the natives on the way up there regarding the color of my skin and the size of my muscles. Came back, running 9 miles in just under 7's.


kangway said...

16 mile long run for a 53 mile week? you better watch out boy.

I know that sometimes rules are meant to be broken, but for safety's sake I would recommend that your long run does't exceed 15 miles until you're at least to 60mpw...

you know... the 25% rule. It's flexible, but break it too often and disaster is guaranteed.

Katherine said...

Holy crap dude, drinking out of a stagnant pond? How did it turn out? Maybe you should keep doing it and eventually you will have intestines of steel.

Kiesz said...

katherine... so it wasn't the pond i drank out of ... it was the stream... and a lot of people have been giving me crap... but i just say they need to be in the middle of a run that far with out any water before they can say for certain what they would do.

kangway... yeah, it felt a little far, and I don't make a habbit of such things... but next don't worry, I'm watching and making sure things are fine, I should be up to 60 soon anyways

Megumi said...

16 miles at 2:15 is slow enough not to be taxing (heck, even *i* have managed that on occasion... ;) ), is my personal opinion.... and perhaps even preferable at this point in the game vs. 15 miles at a faster pace, that 1 extra mile isn't really such a big deal.

FYI on the violent stomach illness, there IS a legit drinking fountain out by JPL... better not to risk being out some unplanned rest days. Go down the wider trail instead of the thinner uphill one after you emerge from the tunnel right after the "stream". there's like a random dirt roundabout with a faucet thingy if i remember corrrectly. ask ogliore for more details on this matter.

Kiesz said...

so yeah... i also forgot to mention that less than 1 mile later i ran found a semi-legit fountain by the cabins at on the trail... also I'm not sure on the exact mileage it could have easily been 1-2 more miles...