Total Miles:
Sunday, 1/27
13 miles in the rain at 7:00 pace... felt good and like I could have gone a few more miles.
Monday, 1/28
10 miles... easy to get ready for tomorrow.
Tuesday, 1/29
400, 4x800: 66, 2:12 (65,67), 2:13 (64, 69), 2:15 (65,70), 2:22 (69,72). Felt kinda crappy at the end. But strong at the start... I feel like i'm in great shape but that I really need to sit down with scott and discuss my training plan for the next few weeks.
Track, week 3
Total Miles:42
Monday, 1/21: Ran full arroyo, pushed the pace for a few miles in the middle, finished up with weights and a few striders.
Tuesday, 1/22: 400's: 63, 65, 64, 64, 65, 66, 64. Felt good and strong the whole way through... started to get a little booty lock towards the end.
Wednesday, 1/23: Crazy tree, whatever.
Thursday, 1/24: Lacy Park 15 minutes of pain, went about 5:30 pace or so, kinda died in the last 1 minute.
Friday, 1/25: Huntingson, still felt kinda sore from the 400's that i'd done in my spikes.. Later that evening I rolled out my calfs with one of those rolly thingys, things felt better after.
Monday, 1/21: Ran full arroyo, pushed the pace for a few miles in the middle, finished up with weights and a few striders.
Tuesday, 1/22: 400's: 63, 65, 64, 64, 65, 66, 64. Felt good and strong the whole way through... started to get a little booty lock towards the end.
Wednesday, 1/23: Crazy tree, whatever.
Thursday, 1/24: Lacy Park 15 minutes of pain, went about 5:30 pace or so, kinda died in the last 1 minute.
Friday, 1/25: Huntingson, still felt kinda sore from the 400's that i'd done in my spikes.. Later that evening I rolled out my calfs with one of those rolly thingys, things felt better after.
Track, Week 2

Total Miles: 60
Sunday, 1/13
Quads were hurting quit a bit, probably from teh lunges I had to do on friday, took the day off.
Monday, 1/14
Lifted in the gym before practice: Pull-ups, dips, curls, shoulders, rows, insane-upside down ab things. Went out to the track a few minutes early, and did the lunges i owed scott from UCLA's weekend loss. Left to run full arroyo, ran a moderate pace not really pushing myself too much. Did an ab workout with the team when we got back.

Tuesday, 1/15
Left from my place and trotted down to the gym. Continued running around the track for a while then left to run huntington back up on Los Robles. Went pretty quick most of the way. Took it as something of a tempo run and kinda just wanted to run alone today. After getting back to tech I left so I wouldn't get cold before running back home. Once home I stretched for about 10 to 15 minutes in front of the TV, then proceeded to do a short ab workout. I need abs like this guy to the right. When I was home for christmas break I saw a picture of me in HS and I had an 8 pack. So I think I need that again, or at least better than the flab pack I have now. In addition, while talking to Mark after dinner, I decided that I need to incorporate more strides to my everyday workout. This sounds like a good idea in addition to my decision to lift more, do more abs, and stretch more. We also talked about a tenative racing schedule for the first few meets. Caltech: 3k, 4x400, Pomona: 3k, 4x400, Rossi Relays: 4 x mile, 4x400, Ben Brown: 5k, 800, OXY D.C.: 1500, ... I think thats all the meets through the end of first term. Let me know what you think.
Wednesday, 1/16
rolled out of bed early and did an easy three to shake out the legs. In the PM did Lacy the long way doing 16 strides at the park. Came back
Thursday, 1/17
Ran to garfield and stretched, once there did 2 miles tempo. 2:44, 2:45, 2:48, 2:48. Felt good and like I could have done two more laps. Got a nice endorphin rush from this stuff.
Friday, 1/18
Wore a crappy pair of shoes to practice and decided I would be better off doing barefoot miles around the track. Did 8 as such. Surprisingly it didn't hurt!
Saturday, 1/19
Went out in the PM and did about 12. Feet kinda hurt from bad shoes at times and I was also getting some pain from chafing. I lifted a little in the evening as I waited for Mark to finish, after the women's BBall game. Spent the evening with mark watching a movie, drinking beer and eating egg pizza. quite the hot date
This week didn't seem that bad, 60 miles in 6 days and 1 hard workout, plus a hard 7 mile run in there.
Track, week 1
Total Miles: 54
Saturday, 1/12
Ran a mile on the track followed by doing full arroyo at a nice slow pace. Concentrated on my stride on the way back making sure to take full strides, with high knees... yada yada yada. Stopped without an extra mile on the track since my thighs were hurting a lot from chaffing, ouch! 11 miles total.
Friday, 1/11
Took today especially easy with no speeding up at all. Ran tu madre, felt good, loose, and relaxed after.
Thursday, 1/10
Did a nice long 2 mile warmup, stretched a little, and promptly left to do garfield the long way. We kept things nice and slow all the way to garfield. Once there we let the pace start to creep up on us until anton and I were going a little sub 6,,, maybe 5:40ish for the last mile or so. Finished up and stretched. I think that over the next few weeks I also really need to focus on my stretching, in addition to everything possibly taking a nice even 2 lap cool down after runs that I finish hard. My flexibility seems bad right now.
Ran to lacy the longway and did a bunch of striders. I still think that anton and satchith don't know how to do striders, they go to fast which is kinda annoying, oh well. Ran back and did an ab workout. At this point in the week my abs are starting to hurt which isn't much of a surprise since I've been working them everyday... Oh well, i need to lose that tummy pack or something. In addition to that I'm gonna shoot for about 55 miles or so this week with a long run on saturday of about 12 miles. Going about 60-65 for the following two weeks will hopefully secure my aerobic fitness and drop a few pounds. But for now I'll have to take the runs a little slower so that I can keep this up day to day right now.
Tuesday, 1/8
It was a crazy tree kinda day. Started easy and very subtly increased the pace. More abs
Monday, 1/7
Warmed up around the track, ran a hard huntingson, lifted and did some abs.
Sunday, 1/6
Ran from the wilson, doing lacy long way. Kept things pretty chill since tomorrow was the first day of practice.
Saturday, 1/12
Ran a mile on the track followed by doing full arroyo at a nice slow pace. Concentrated on my stride on the way back making sure to take full strides, with high knees... yada yada yada. Stopped without an extra mile on the track since my thighs were hurting a lot from chaffing, ouch! 11 miles total.
Friday, 1/11
Took today especially easy with no speeding up at all. Ran tu madre, felt good, loose, and relaxed after.
Thursday, 1/10
Did a nice long 2 mile warmup, stretched a little, and promptly left to do garfield the long way. We kept things nice and slow all the way to garfield. Once there we let the pace start to creep up on us until anton and I were going a little sub 6,,, maybe 5:40ish for the last mile or so. Finished up and stretched. I think that over the next few weeks I also really need to focus on my stretching, in addition to everything possibly taking a nice even 2 lap cool down after runs that I finish hard. My flexibility seems bad right now.
Ran to lacy the longway and did a bunch of striders. I still think that anton and satchith don't know how to do striders, they go to fast which is kinda annoying, oh well. Ran back and did an ab workout. At this point in the week my abs are starting to hurt which isn't much of a surprise since I've been working them everyday... Oh well, i need to lose that tummy pack or something. In addition to that I'm gonna shoot for about 55 miles or so this week with a long run on saturday of about 12 miles. Going about 60-65 for the following two weeks will hopefully secure my aerobic fitness and drop a few pounds. But for now I'll have to take the runs a little slower so that I can keep this up day to day right now.
Tuesday, 1/8
It was a crazy tree kinda day. Started easy and very subtly increased the pace. More abs
Monday, 1/7
Warmed up around the track, ran a hard huntingson, lifted and did some abs.
Sunday, 1/6
Ran from the wilson, doing lacy long way. Kept things pretty chill since tomorrow was the first day of practice.
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