This week I'm taking a much needed break from L.A. and hitting my home turf again. Its hot here, but I'm well rested and not hurting in my legs at all now. My back still hurts a little, but that usually goes away after 1 mile. All in all, I'm going to try and have a steady week and do about 70 miles. Wish me luck
Sunday, 7/29
Was tired after a long journey home. Tested out the back and did 5 miles. Things went fine, I'll go for about 10 tomorrow and work from there.
Monday, 7/30
Got up at 11 and immediately left for a run. I ran out towards the country and ran along a canal for a while, then I did a loop out to the far side of town. I think I got honked at once during this whole run. oh well... i was quite tired when i got home and realized my run was only 9 miles...
On a lighter note I realized I was completely back in hick-town Lodi while driving down one of the main roads in town in my dad's pickup truck, listening to country music, following a slow moving tractor.
Tuesday, 7/31
Woke up at the crack of dawn after a long day of catching up with a good friend and boozing it up a little. Headed out towards the country and ran all the way out to I-5. Stopped there and talked to some cows, stole some grapes off a vine for a light meal and came back. This really was a very randy run. At times I felt like crap in my stomach and went a little slower, other times I sped up a little (but not too much). Towards the end of the run I lurched over and nearly ralphed (likely a combo of last night and the early run). Oh, did I forget to mention, I saw two dead hawks, four dead blue jays, and about six dead opposums. Seriously, counting road kill is something to do while running out there (here, in hickville).
12.5ish in all... maybe I'll tack in 5 in the evening.
After a long afternoon of fishing (a sport which I feel is very unlikely for me to hurt myself in) I headed out for a few extra miles. Much to my humor I quickly realized that the temperature was near 100. Ouchie WaWA!. I went rather slow with a few little fartleks here and there in place of strides afterwards. Did 5.75 miles in all. Thats 18.25 for the day!
Wednesday, 8/1
Wow, I actually had a dream about Will Leer's damn Seal.... Continuing on... I got up (early again) to run with an old pal, Jeff Merrill. I ran to his house (2 miles away) and headed out on a 10 miler with him. A few miles into it I had to tail off though. I was feeling very tight and sore from yesterday (big surprise), so I decided that instead of doing like I did 2 weeks ago and having a really good start of the week and a shitty end I would call it a day after 6 miles. Hopefully this will pay off and tomorrow I can do about 10 or 12 in the morning.
Thursday, 8/2
Got angry at the world and decided to run until I felt better. 14 miles later I didn't feel better, but was at least to tired to care anymore. It was 86 out which I guess isn't all that bad, but I did see a bird spontaneously combust... you decide how bad it is i guess.
Spent the some time later in the day chilling with Jeff Merrill and went to fleet feet with him. Also chilled at the local farmer market where

These things are seriously so freiekn good. They represent the perfect orgasmic cross between an apricot and a plum. After that I had dinner with Jeff and his family at a downtown mexican restaurant. Gotta love mexican food! Then I went home to hang with some other fools and have some good old fashioned chilling for the day.
Friday, 8/3
Ran 8 miles in the heat (95ish) having a few short fartleks here and there... overall this was an easy run though... I felt fine, might tack on a few miles in the evening if I have time.
Saturday, 8/4
Did 8 miles in the morning. Felt good, probably pulled about 6:30's or so once I was moving... stopped to shit.