
Week 11

Total Mileage: 46

Get in some more solid training before the twilight 4 mile in 3 weeks.

Friday, 10/12: short 4 in the evening, legs felt a little junky and knees were left knee was hurting a little.

Thursday, 10/11: Morning: easy 3, legs felt awful.  Evening: Easy 5+, tested pace a few time.  Felt ok, but good and looser than morning but kept it mellow most of the run. Weight: 156

Wednesday, 10/10: Morning run at 6 a.m.  Ran up to la brea tar pits and back, 7 miles around 7 minute pace.  Weight: 155 lbs

Tuesday, 10/9: Track workout, 800/400-X4 (40 seconds/90 seconds rest) + warm up/cool down and core (50 push-ups, one minute of straight and side planks, 30 crunches). 2:29/72, 2:34/70, 2:33/70, 2:42/64.  Don't know if I gave up a little on the last 8 or legitimately hurt, either way I should have ran it faster or at least a bit more evenly. Overall I'm feeling better than after the first track workout two weeks ago though and my confidence/speed is coming back, so that's a plus.

Monday, 10/8: Easy morning run, 6+ miles.

Sunday, 10/7: Santa Monica 5k!  two mile warm up.  Race went ok, went out too hard for the first mile, 5:15 (we all thought the first mile was short and the second was long).  Ended up around 11:10 for the second mile.  Started really hurting once I turned onto Ocean for the last mile or so. Managed to pick it up for the last 1/2 mile past the turn around, but could have done a lot better if I hadn't run unevenly.  Finished 17:27 (5:37/mile), results. Extra long cool down, 12 ish for the day

Saturday, 10/6: Easy 3 mile jog around the neighborhood

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