
Week 9

Total Mileage:51

Survive slightly higher mileage

Friday, 9/28: 7 mile recover run in the evening to Baldwin overlook.  Felt better than yesterday, still not 100% and definitely feeling the mileage.

Thursday, 9/27: AM: Easy  morning run, 3 miles. Hamstrings felt tight, but moving wasn't too difficult/painful. PM: Easy 4 evening run, hammys were still tight.

Wednesday, 9/26: Recovery run, easy 7.  Right heel hurt a little at the start.  Calves hurt most of the way.

Tuesday, 9/25: First track workout in 52 months (since may 2008).  800, rest 60s, 400 x 6 (90s between sets). 2:34/72, 2:35/76, 2:41/75, 2:44/77, 2:44/81, 2:39/65.  Felt exhausted after two and thought the dry heaves were coming.  Right leg was also noticeably more tired by the end. +warm-up and cool-down ~ 7 miles.

Monday, 9/24: recovery run, through culver city then up to castle heights and back home.  5 miles

Sunday, 9/23: 12 miles in griffith park with john and the runner's circle team.  Not as painful as I expected but I did drop back the last few hundred meters.  Maintained about 7:00s for the run.

Saturday, 9/24: 2.94 mile race at Bell-Jeff invite in griffith park in 16:41. Got killed by the second hill, but finished strong to not be beat by two girls running for nike.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Track workout! AAAAAAWESOME! Keep it up, Mattaye!