
Week of 3/30 - 4/5

375 minutes
8 runs

a.m. Ran Brown mountain with Ian and came back on the miller campground trail. I think its called palomino. The uphill hurt a bit, and I had an impending urge to shit towards the end. 70 minutes

Went to Pomona to watch the annual track meet and such. Took a break between the 1500m and the 800's to go jog around for 100 minutes. Felt good. Toe hurt a little, but not nearly as bad as on thursday night.

Toe hurt, took today off.

noonish: kinda angry at ucla housing. Did a quick 35 minute run

a.m. Easy 20 minute jog. Didn't feel t0o tight.
p.m. Didn't have much time to run, but I still squeezed in a 30 minute run at medium to hard effort around campus. Off to midori's to binge on sushi.

p.m. 60 minute hill run through bel-air and around UCLA. Went easy for the first half and worked the last 1 1/2 miles or so a little.

a.m. 20 minute shake out jog. Really cleared some junk out of the legs.
p.m. 50 minute slightly harder (but nothing crazy) run. Ran some back roads in santa monica out and back. Felt a little tight at times and later in the evening.


Weekly Summary: 6/29

4 runs
170 minutes

Ran a few days this week and started out easy on monday with just a short run maybe 30 minutes. Came back and ran friday, saturday, and sunday. Decided that if I want to get back in shape I need some motivation other than track. I finally have it: 1) I'm getting fat 2) I'm gonna train for a marathon (k-way said he'd join me)

I know it might sound crazy for me to do a marathon, but i really think i need something different. Mark was probably on the right track by suggesting I do 5k or 10k. But I think I need to go even more extreme. Just the though of being on the track right now makes me work to hard to early then I wear out quickly. But the possiblity of eventually (late fall to winerish) of doing a marathon makes me comfortable with just taking a nice easy hour run. We'll see how this develops over the next few weeks. I'm gonna just be running time for now, trying to run new courses that I don't even know so that I'm not tempted to time myself. Additionally, I'm gonna try to do morning jogs a few days a week to keep things fresh.